Brady Reynolds

Did everyone forget Cash for Clunkers? I always thought that a lot of prime vehicles met an untimely end, at least in my area.

If the car evokes sentimental/cultural value (certain types of car do this more than others) and/or is a significant feat of engineering, examples are more likely to survive intact and in significant originality.

Mainly three things, Money, Time, and motivation. And on another note there needs to be more shop classes in this country.

Yeah, me either - plus when you’re shopping at this price point, it’s a better than good idea to not buy it sight unseen.

Yeeeeahhhh...I’ve got flashbacks to my younger, stupider, more reckless days.

Celebrity Brain Crash?

In a few years, when Trump’s cabinet of climate change deniers require all new American cars to have a V8 that rolls coal on leaded gas with no cats, we’ll look back on this time of sub 1,000 horsepower Priii and wonder how anyone could’ve bought a Hellcat with just 707hp.