
ESPN spent the rest of the night praising Matthews's "heart" and "courage," when it looked for all the world like he was doing exactly what decades of research says is dumb and dangerous

With 2 children under age two... I get between 2 and 6 hours a night.

It works fine- it's just you have to fire it up which takes a couple of minutes and then you have to use the controler which is OK but it's not intuitive enough for my wife to use...

How far can you punt a football? Asking for a friend.

Do you ever get tired of being right about everything, all the time?

How hot is the take?

Typical new money people: Going out for Father's Day and leaving your child with a sitter.

found a bullet underneath a child's drawing.

black cats are great until you get that one whose wick only lasts like a tenth as long as normal and it blows up on your hand

I was on business in China (Chauzhou) and my guide was very excited to invite me to a secret dinner. On the menu was pangolin. It is cooked whole and looks like a rat size aardvark. The chef pulled the cooked pangolin out of the pot and proudly presented it to the table. He then cut off each leg and then clipped

From another tweet, in case anybody else is wondering why a mutt looking dog cost 15k-

Unabashedly complaining about a Heat loss and justifying their play in a loss by blaming referees and other factors? Does it smell like ESPN in here?

I am a daily Jalopnik reader and I agree with brewtap. Just loving great cars like Adam does not mean you are not a dick. I had no idea Carolla held such views or is willing to say them on network TV.

Yes, he sucks. Having good taste in cars does not exempt one from being a jerk.

That was a horrible gas leak explosion, wasn't it? Such poor poor timing!

It doesn't bother me, but some of those photos are intense, lots of gore, and may upset some readers, you main just want to put that disclaimer at the top of the page.

Indeed. Not shown in the video is Rugland killing his girlfriend by kicking a football through their bathroom door.

as a fellow David Gordon I'm ashamed he couldn't get a "Gordo" or "digger" or "davo" or even a "deeg"

Now playing

The GIF was sped up considerably, so the heroics are actually a little less heroic.

Albert, if the grill is big enough you can assuage your spending guilt by smoking pork butt on it. You can eat off that one cheap hunk of meat for days or even weeks.