You know, by now I’ve come to terms with the fact that this man and I will disagree about many things. Doesn’t make him any less of a master at his chosen art, and it doesn’t stop me from enjoying his artwork. But yes, disagree we shall.
You know, by now I’ve come to terms with the fact that this man and I will disagree about many things. Doesn’t make him any less of a master at his chosen art, and it doesn’t stop me from enjoying his artwork. But yes, disagree we shall.
I’m pumped for this!
I’m not sure about the original Japanese version, but you can at least find the Western version on VRV!
Golly, remember back when Peter Molyneux seemed like the only guy who overpromised and underdelivered? As someone who played Destiny in the past and is currently playing No Man’s Sky, I hope Anthem evolves, and evolves quickly. It looks really cool, and I’d be happy to play it if the experience didn’t look quite so…
Just so happened to read this article right after watching this piece of magic:
Fellow Gawker journalist Brian Ashcraft is also a whisky aficionado, and he put out a great book on Japanese whisky late last year. I recommend checking it out:
FUCK YAAASSSS!!! Years ago I lost my hardcopy of the Okami soundtrack (it was expensive), and I’ve been making do with Youtube and Soundcloud since then.
This 1000x. Giant turtle shells and banana peels ho!
In the realm of RPG classes/archetypes, what are your faves? (Feel free to include hybrid classes if you like more than one)
Thank you for all of your Skies coverage lately. It’s one of my family’s favorite RPGs of all time and I get really excited when I find out that I’m not alone in my love for it.
Not a disappointment: introducing the word “canard” to me. I initially thought it was some weird typo, but instead, my personal vocabulary has been extended! Thanks!
That’s weird Ethan. Before this week, they kept on promoting the drop date as today, November 6.
I love it how he included thumbnails of the reference photos he used for his various concepts. Shows that he is a really thoughtful and resourceful artist!
Also, it appears that the lights just seem to be levitating in mid-air
Now that is a stunning photo.
I should clarify that my dad was not the one who was shot.
Coincidentally, my dad was working in the hospital that lay directly across from where the tank was stopped on the freeway (he tried to cross the traffic divider mentioned above and got stuck). Once he was shot, he was actually taken to that hospital. That was an interesting night for him at work.
You just became one of my favorite journalists on this site. :)
No! They can’t do this to us! They just started suggesting that The Wolf Among Us 2 was on its way!
I feel like this is an episode of Mythbusters that never got made.