
Lance Kendricks was on a local radio show last week, and went a little further. It isn’t that Rodgers changes the play, it’s that he changes it for just one guy.

Chicken Fried Steak? Seriously? Is there a story there?

Appreciative of the well wishes.

Thanks. Glad that is settled.

Yes, I will Pat myself on the back fir not voting for evil.

Ahhh. Gotcha.

Maybe my candidate would have won, if people like you weren't so eager to embrace evil.

I understand your intentions, but that is still some pretty major Big Brother, authoritarian stuff you are suggesting.

Had the Democrats come up with anyone else, other than the two candidates they had chosen, I likely would have voted for them.

Evil is evil.

Do I think she is “as evil”, no.

If a candidate is pro war, they will always be “evil” in my book, and I will never vote for them.

I am referring to McCarthy’s witch hunts.

How about stop buying into the bullshit notion that politics is a duopoly in this country.

I am pretty sure we tried that before in this country.

Why would one, ever want to abolish the first amendment? Unless one were a true Authoritarian.

You sound fun.

Or maybe racism has nothing to do with calling out Machado for being an immature prick, who appears to go out of his way to intentionally injure opposing players.

“I should stop doing so much heroine.”

Partisanship is a disease. One that seems more incurable everyday.