Nor are they likely to be a good enough lay to make it worthwhile. A little bit of crazy goes a long way towards great sex. Anyone who gets militant about anything, is likely to have the crazy factor, well past tolerable limits.
Nor are they likely to be a good enough lay to make it worthwhile. A little bit of crazy goes a long way towards great sex. Anyone who gets militant about anything, is likely to have the crazy factor, well past tolerable limits.
Correct. If you steal a child’s innocence, that should follow you forever. One who does such, is a monster. Fuck them for eternity.
“We have sentencing guidelines for a reason, and that’s so we don’t ruin someone’s entire life for things they did when they were 14 years old”
Dude, all those bookmarks, and yet no porn sites. Well done.
It’s a show that once featured the line “This is why I pay women to Blow me, and not run my studio”.
Is she on probation, and unable to leave the state? Not to be an ass, but that was my first thought.
Dude is likely now sitting handcuffed to the bench, in the intake area at the Milwaukee County Jail. Pantsless. He will likely go into holding the same way, unless they give him his clothes early.
One can also graciously accept that another person has no desire for physical contact with them, and respectfully back away. She didn’t do that. He said no, and then she continues to move toward him. She was the aggressor. At that point he owed her no such consideration.
You had me at “Taco Truck Throwdown”.
Does the possibility of a perfect Post Season hold no appeal? It is one thing to be unbeatable for a full series. But to be unbeatable for a single game? Boring or not, that is one of the most impressive feats I have seen in team sports.
Bango at 48? Have you forgotten his insane dunk?
Interpretation, much like last night’s Cavs defense, is open.
I saw that as well. It was called “How to lose an NBA Championship in 10 Days” I think.
It was Criminal Minds, but i believe the remains of one of his victims were mixed in Chili, served during a lunch for volunteers, who were in fact searching for that victim.
And likely to further backfire if that is really the case. Which guy do the Giants think is more indispensible? The MVP catcher, or the kindling reliever.
They executed a sleeping six year old. A peacefully sleeping child was viewed as a threat. The phrase “senseless crime” gets thrown around a lot. I am not sure I have ever read of a crime where the phrase fit better.
I’ll see your Witch, and raise you The Devil.
Succubi should also be broken up into two categories.
It has one season left. It has become awful, but at this point i have invested 36 show hours of my life I can never have back, so I will see how it ends.