
For what it is worth, I have heard the rift came from her discussing their sex life on Late night television. Prior to dating Munn, Rodgers was very protective of his private life. Even reporters here in WI were not allowed access to it.

I don’t understand the allure either, other than he is a “name”. Same with Cowher at this point. Both have been in the TV studios long, that I think it is likely the game has evolved past them.

Are we not doing phrasing anymore?

In Wisconsin, it would have been PBR, and Miller Lite over Fireball. We have standards afterall.

No way he cares that much about playing D

The show was on the TV, but muted.

Or their own.

Dear Duke...

Woah, Woah, Woah! “And Trevor Hoffman”?

Benoit has been scrubbed almost entirely. A match or two of his may have made it to the network, but otherwise WWE treats him, as if he never existed. They did the same for Hogan briefly, after the audio tapes were leaked. Although, I believe that has all been restored.

I am a huge Bond fan. Own all movies. Craig is my favorite Bond by far. Taking the series in the darker direction, with the unofficial reboot that was “Casino Royale” was exactly what was needed.

I take it, he has also never heard of “Transformers”, Hasbro, or Michael Bay?

I wasn’t a fan of the signing. I wanted Lin.

“Snoo Snoo” was a euphemism for sex on an episode of “Futurama”.

Parker really looks like a guy who has made the leap. Now if Jason Kidd could go ahead, and insert Brogdon into the starting line up, and have Dellvadova come off the bench, I would be just so happy.

You mean this guy?

Jan. 1, 2017: ISIS claims responsibility for 2016

Fucking Russians

My only rationalization for that was it was 2nd down. Had the Bears stopped the Packers onn 3rd, they would have had about thirty seconds, and two time outs, to try and get into field goal range.

This isn’t how Ricky prefers his money, go up in smoke.