
His contributions to the beverage industry, will never be forgotten.

$10.00 beers? Maybe for the Miller Lite/ Bud Lite.

You are blameless. The blame lies with the two men, and them alone. Not with a culture, not with their upbringing. They, and they alone.

Does this mean the stars are aligning for Magary’s team to trade for Mr. Butt fumble? I feel like that is the outcome that was destined all along.

It is the trap of choosing to remember people how we wanted them to be, not how they actually were.

I don’t know. I could see the practicality behind it. The mood strikes, but you and your SO, don’t want to take it to the table, where people eat. Instead, you use the conveniently placed Hot Tub.

Agreed. I saw the headline, and expected at least a three way. Instead, just an inconsiderate roommate, and a canoeist who apparently didn’t take the opportunity to try and make it a 3 way. I mean, they compete in a “Synchronized” sport for christs sake. Talk about a missed opportunity.

This is off topic to the thread at hand, but you do have options other than Trump or Clinton.

You misspelled”Count Chocula” at the top of your list.

The fact that there is no mention of the strangling of newborn males, with their own umbillical cords, leads me to think this is tongue in cheek.

Yeah, but then you would get the inevitable “Whore Island” section.

If you don’t mind, I would like to have a buddy of mine, who is an expert on shitty team nicknames, to stop on down and have a look at this, before I can 100% sign off on it being a shitty nickname.

Wasn’t Eastwood in “Fury”, and piss off Pitt and crew? Or am I thinking of someone else? Has been a while since I saw the movie.

“US Gymnastics dropped the fucking ball not having a clear line of reporting, and only taking statements from parents and kids.”

And my productivity for the day is shot. Seriously cannot stop laughing at this, even whilst cringing.

Sorry, but I disagree. Marvel is right to go for a more diverse and inclusive universe, but they are flat out lazy at not attempting to do so, by developing new characters. Repackaging established characters rings very hollow to me.

I really wish Lupica would return to his career prior ro Sports writing. Or is there no longer a market for riddling goats from underneath a bridge?


Why is this not the “Skip Bayless Memorial Trophy”?

I am looking forward to seeing it, although I do have my doubts.