
Sierra is playing a very subtle well played game.

I can't believe he's still around, the thing he doesn't realize, is that even if he should get to the final 3, he has alienated so many people, nobody will vote for him.

It doesn't look good for Joe and Jenn, if Joe loses an immunity challege he's toast.

Why doesn't he go back to blues, as in the early Columbia albums, to this day those are still the best albums Aerosmith ever made.

It's also been released on BigBeat from the Uk which is a derivative of ace records.

Everything the man touched was brilliant in its simplicity, an artist crying to be heard.

They,we're so good the epitome of the northwest punk scene and purveyors of grunge.

I know their odds aren't good and I think they realize that, Jenn & Hali are adjoined at the hip and they should probably recruit 1 more person (probably Carolyn), to protect themselves until the merger.

They're not going to win any challenges anyway that involve strength & this way they get rid of Shirin next and hope for a merger, and in that case Hali and Jenn reunite with Joe.

Giselle Bundschen must be cringing, Tom Brady should sue for defamation of character.

Because she drives everybody crazy, as well as the audience, get her to hell out of Dodge!

A cretin from another planet, after the show is over, hopefully he stays on the island by himself until he realizes the 18th century is over.

Sure they can pick of the other tribe one by one, it might be a wise move for someone to throw a challenge and hopefully get rid of Rodney ASAP., and take Shirin with him. I can't think of a season with 2 more abnoxious people.

Literally sitting pretty, let's keep the eye candy.

I think they realize they're dead meat in challenges anyway so losing Max didn't matter that much, Chirin is toast.

If that scenario happens hand Joe a cool mill, I think he's the favorite right now..