
Man I wish ND would just go away. They are perpetually over ranked. Their fan base is the most delusional in all of sports. The hypocrisy of the administration and athletic program is disgusting and criminal. And Kelly is the perfect embodiment of all those things. Fuck notre dame.

The part of David Ortiz will be played by Emma Stone, with the part of Curt Schilling being played by a partially microwaved Teddy Ruxpin doll with a tape of Alex Jones greatest hits inside.

I believe the philosophy you’re aiming for here is nihilism. I imagine, though, that there is a certain peace that looks like zen when you realize nothing matters or has any meaning.

The map would seem to disagree… That’s its NOT a war zone? Have you ever been in a war? Because you sound like a fucking asshole. About 4,000 shootings in a year… For a city who’s daytime population is around 5 million isn’t a fucking war zone buttpuppet.


Why differentiate when a hot dog IS a sandwich?

Was the shit spread out on the bread, or was it an unbroken log? If it’s an unbroken log, then why even go with the 2 pieces of bread instead of a bun? Madness. You wouldn’t eat a hot dog that way.

Incorrect. It does not matter WHO is doing the discriminating, whether the drivers are women, white people, or people of color. The result is the same: riders are being discriminated against. It doesn’t make it somehow ‘okay’ if a black driver discriminates against black riders.

Isn’t this more of just a problem with people instead of it being uber’s problem?

+1 snowball

What a weird fucking year.

As a lifelong Cubs fan, no adult says Cubbies. Don’t do that to yourself.

Forgot to mention the literal billions of human beings that have born and died while an organization couldn’t manage to do their job a single time

The Cubs last won the WS in 1908.

I think you might mean Al Bundy.

The best way for me to sum-up why I stopped watching football is basically because the NFL is dirty. Everything they do, everything they touch, becomes tainted by their greed and disregard for player safety. To spend +3 hours watching a game filled with commercials, inconsistent rules, poor play, and human suffering

And life is good, right? All of us go through that. You think you’re missing something, then it hits you. The best and most important person in the world is right beside you. Congratulations!

It’s nice and reassuring that more and more people are doing this. I’m in pretty much the same exact boat brothers, let’s all hit up the shuffleboard court later.

You know I didn’t watch a single game last season for that very reason and I felt just fine.

For me, it’s a combo. Between the way Goodell treats the players, the brain stuff, the way billionaires try to hold entire cities hostage for public money and think their cash cow will never stop producing...the list goes on like I’m sure it does for you. Fuck the NFL.