
Racists, Lions and Bears, oh my....

If you chose to go to war then why does he have to support you at all?

Need some cheese with that whine, bub?

Have you ever noticed every picture of Rose is him sitting at a podium? I’m not even sure he plays a sport anymore he just sits behind folding tables with microphones.

Perhaps Doe’s lawyers can let Rose’s lawyers know that they intend to subpoena present and former teammates of Rose who have witnessed previous instances of his sexual deviancy and aggression. That should get a settlement offer on the table pretty quick.

So his lawyer’s have tried slut-shamming her, releasing her name, and want her sexual history to be known.

That is a triangle of offenses.

I’m confused. Even if the players had sat out the game in protest, they’re still only hurting the wallets of people whose wallets are filled by free labor. And if they’d done that, this guy STILL wouldn’t have a point. But all they did was kneel during a song. How did this hurt ANYBODY in any conceivable way?!


What’s that mean?

When asked if he was invited into Baylor’s locker room, Shawn Oakman responded, “Well, it’s Baylor, consent is pretty much implied.”

“You know that coach should be over there, on him, like, ‘Look, come on, you can’t do that.’ Is that the Cardinal Way?”

Guy is charged with seven felonies and no one’s burning his jersey and posting it online. Wonder why that is?

JK it’s because no one ever owned a Bruce Miller jersey.

This proves it. Gingers really don't have souls.

You can’t abide by a national anthem that makes you think about the oppression of minorities? Try thinking about the 380,000 Northern soldiers who died in the Civil War primarily fighting to end the enslavement of black men, women and children more than 150 years ago.

Maybe more of those good cops should shut down the bad ones instead of looking the other way. Seems like this whole thing would be over in ten minutes if the numbers are like you say.

The Chargers are that guy whose idea it is to get a pizza, but he doesn’t chip in

Good analogy.

There’s plenty of money to be made towing illegally parked BMWs out of handicapped spaces. Why can’t George Smith Towing go after them instead?

A St. Louis tow truck driver tried to pepper spray me out his passenger side window when I confronted him about towing a friend’s car illegally. His window was only partially rolled down and he missed and the bulk of the stream went back into the cab. It was one of those big bottles of pepper spray (like the UC Davis

I believe it's pronounced "Adele Dazeem."