Brett Alan

Yeah, if they gave Rashad an Emmy just for that line, I wouldn’t be mad.


He was a hologram. Flash said something like “are you for real?” and he replied that he could not confirm or deny that he was a hologram.

They should have wrapped up the whole season that way.

Spot on on the inconsistent way they’re treating the pandemic.

Yeah, that made no sense. They should have had her transferred to a rural area of Pennsylvania in a different part of the state—SCI Muncy, near Williamsport, actually seems the most likely place she would have gone. It would be sufficiently far away to explain why she wouldn’t go to find William when she got out,


A great Wizard of Oz reference!

In Intellectual Property (a little less than 16 minutes in) the monster truck footage clearly says “Coming Up Next”.

No, he says he used to rib Connie Mack, and that his pitching was compared to Satchel Paige.

Right. It was showing what would have happened--what, in the show’s conception, DID happen in various quantum universes--if the driver had come through that intersection at slightly different times, presumably because of different choices the driver or someone else had made a short time before.

It wasn’t a hit until 1987, though, so Deke probably thinks he’s beaten Whitesnake to the punch (and probably the writers did, too). It’s not necessarily a continuity error as he’s doing this on a small-time basis, so maybe no one’s noticed yet, but at some point he’s going to introduce it as a song he wrote and

Then Kim Bauer from 24 can come in and call them amateurs!

I notice that the section on connections with the books only mentions character names.

Pat goes up to the owner with a big piece of pipe. The owner tells him it’s an exhaust pipe for a dumptruck. Pat says he’s working on a dumptruck. Owner says it’s $19.99, non-negotiable. Pat takes it. Fin.

She is going to be SOOOO happy she gave herself shorts when those Nebraska winters arrive!

In the original fight at the beginning (which of course takes place at least 10 or so years before the rest of the series), all of the cars and fashions scream “1950s”, but Stripsey is listening to Bruce Springsteen’s “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”, which was recorded in 1975.

And in the flashbacks, the cars and the clothes all screamed 1950s—but Stripsey was listening to Bruce Springsteen’s “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town” in the car, and that was recorded in 1975.

Yes, yes, YES!
