Bress Tess Iz


"Does she deserve your scorn or your pity?"

of course he is a douce

looks like baby huey needs to get some moves both on and off the court #dwighthoward

the thing about america is that u dont have to be born here to be an american

just because one thinks that the state of Israel is immoral and illegal and that America's support of that country has been the cause of the majority of the US's foreign relations problems over the past forty years doesnt mean one is one anti-Semite #mikefrancesa

it's funny

does this make Chris Leak John the Baptist?

u all need to cut delonte some slack

anyone else notice how "hard" Erin Andrews' eyes were when she was *ahem* reporting?

maybe this was the course where Billy Gillispie was golfing

who knew that "Supercool" was one word

he didnt touch him

didnt people make fun of Tuetonic East German "woman" athletes for decades?

Given Pitino's behavior at other food-service establishments, a luncheon may not be the best thing

maybe this is the Nets saying that they will have a chance at those other teams' players in 2010 with all that cap space and talent to make NJ attractive