
People have had pre-orders on these cars for HOW LONG? They’ve been building them for years now. This shouldn’t have come as a surprise. They knew how many they were making at least months ago, is my point. I don’t know how long it takes to “establish a working relationship”, but, I mean, it shouldn’t take a ton of

TLDR; former QA tester is not surprised.

I have a friend, Star Wars is HIS franchise. Foundational to his personality. He said, going into The Last Jedi, that he wouldn’t be able to handle it if Luke died.

A lot of the comments are gonna be snarky, with reason. It’s real easy to not worry about managing your time or output with dire focus when you are already rich and don’t need to please anyone every hour to make rent.

I won’t need to look for D&D character names for while now, for sure.

Rest of the world: No shit, Sherlock.

“May you live in interesting times.”

As a certified White Person...

Yeah, I’m with you in being a little bummed about the Gambit requirement. As a Casual+ player, someone who aspires to greatness but doesn’t have the time nor natural skill for it, it’s a daunting requirement that promises to be as annoying as the MIDA quest.

APPARENTLY his crime was not locking his own door.

This is the weirdest, saddest, most inexplicable story I’ve ever heard.

Alternate Headline:

Dear administration of Madisonville Middle School:

This reminds me of the closing ceremony for every Olympcs. No matter what the political, economic, social, or competitive shitshow any individual Olympic host city endured in the lead-up and during the event, the IOC president always, ALWAYS, says “Thank you, <host city>, for putting on the greatest Olympics yet!”

I say this as a person who grew up playing video games, played video games in college, in adulthood, worked in the video game industry as a tester, and continues to play video games as he drifts further into middle age.

Or maybe when she claimed her proximity to Russia made her competent in foreign policy affairs.

...Jason Whitlock...

Yes, you are being sensitive. But I agree with you anyway. Because sometimes being sensitive and hating on an asshole is the correct play.

You know what else Millenials killed? Big Bad Beetle Borgs. But no one weeps for Creepy Ghost Jay Leno, do they?

Without knowing the local availability of public laundromats, I’d prefer to swap out the washing machine with a fullish sized fridge. Otherwise, not TERRIBLE. Definitely for minimalists, and a huge change of perspective of what the “typical” life and living arrangement should be.