
I seem to be the only person who really enjoys Inara as a character. I enjoy the contrast that her culture brings to the crew since everyone else is a reprobate. She is also the only character who shows some change and d/evolution through the entire season, going from contempt for the criminal endevours of the rest of

This is why I get all my relationship advice from Dane Cook. I'm all about hthe chainsaw fucking the disgusting cunt whores. Or something.

Speaking of John Carter, we've seen what happens when the director and writers stay true to the source material. It flops. Hard. When Michael Bay adapts the source material turning it into a hollow shell of its former self we seem to flock to the cinemas in droves. We only have ourselves to blame.

I don't know, I found Hank's relationship with Lou in the second season to be the high point of the show. The Karen/Hank dynamic has never worked for me though.

I stand corrected.

Radiohead. I enjoy their music but I just don't see it as being listenable without huge amounts of production work and something being done to Thom Yorke's voice.

I'm undecided, which is more morally repugnant - this or Toddlers in Tiaras?

Is he going to shout at me until I laugh in the hope that he will stop shouting at me then?

Am I the only one a bit disappointed that we will never get a chance to see the original cast ad libbing it up and just generally being a riot. To watch?

Look, my lameass explanation was less humiliating than admitting that the second post about it was due to an embarrassing mixup with multiple tabs and shocking short term memory. Give me an honourable exit. Is that too much to ask?

Because it is worth stating twice.

I personally think that V For Vendetta should have been on this list in the place of Watchmen. Now that was an awful film.

I like to compare the adaptation of Watchmen to the adaptation of V For Vendetta. V For Vendetta is the steaming pile of shit that results from trying the artistic approach. Watchmen is a solid film and would have been terrible if it wasn't a straight adaptation. I also think that The Watchmen is one of those

I actually don't know what people wanted from the Watchman film? The main complaints seem to be the ending, the fact that it just told the story and that it was too short.