Taking another *untested* serum has convinced me he's not faking it; why would he risk it? I doubt he would sacrifice his well-being to, what, prove something to Peyton? I don't know, it seems real at this point.
Taking another *untested* serum has convinced me he's not faking it; why would he risk it? I doubt he would sacrifice his well-being to, what, prove something to Peyton? I don't know, it seems real at this point.
*So much internal screaming because these reviews are just RECAPS and this show is so good and I want the reviews to be as good but these reviews are so useless so please please please reviewer just give me some actual opinions*
Next week should be funny, with the father-daughter matching brain set!
The introduction of Vivian Stoll was fantastic: we got a fleshed-out glimpse of her world and psyche, but as others here have pointed out, there is still plenty of room to reveal more of what she is. We definitely can't call her a villain yet—that "big, villain-shaped hole" seemed to filled more explicitly by Don E.…
Please explain further! What were they up to?
Lol why should that worry you? Complicated, well-rounded antagonists are amazing. Though I'm wondering what you think Mr. Boss's redeemable qualities are; he is one-dimensional, at best…
This episode retread a lot of beats seen in "Chapter Thirty-Two," the other episode about Jane trying to date again; it was the same formula of going through several men until one crush sticks. That being said, this episode was, as others have mentioned, a rather goofy and overtly charming take on that model, so that…
Haha shame on the writers for coming up with #strideofpride themselves… That is a much better phrase
*Obligatory hopeful note to please do less plot recap*
For the love of good writing, please stop with the recaps! 15 paragraphs of plot summary is so incredibly unuseful…