
I just do not get the kind of hold trump seems to have over his supporters. I was (am) a big Obama fan. Yet, there were some things he did that I thought were not so great and I’d be the first to admit that to someone. These trumpsters just cannot stand to hear a single negative word about their lord and master. It’s

I know you’re not actually supporting the gay baker thing, but it needs to be repeatedly stated that people in the Trump administration choose to be there, every day they show up to work, and they choose to support (or pay lip service to, or abstain from criticizing) reprehensible policies. These are conscious choices

I’ve got no empathy for Trumpsters. They don’t realize the implications of their policies and actions until it happens to them. Look at these fine people...

Fuck these people. This is what they deserve. No restaurant is required to serve them and they are not a protected class. They may think it’s funny to go to Mexican restaurants and have these people serve them while calling them animals, but they can laugh all they want OUTSIDE, ON THE SIDEWALK. Not to mention, every

As a white person, I read these stories and cringe. I feel the need on almost a daily basis to apologize for the actions of the other people of my ethnicity.

But Republicans took a poll of the major ISPs, and they were in favor of killing net neutrality by millions of dollars.

Unless, I’m reading Wikipedia wrong, everyone shares pheomelanin and eumelanin, It’s just that us redheads lack significant amounts of eumelanin. We’re not a different race, just genetically deficient.

Reposting my comment from Sunday since it got some support but not addressed:

Reposting my comment from Sunday since it got some support but not addressed:

I used to be married to a Connecticut Yankee who told me that he of course knew more racial slurs than I did. He then rolled out porch monkey, towelhead, sand jockey/ni**er and about 10 other slurs that I’d been spared. It always made me wonder, why have so many names for something you supposedly don’t like?

YES. THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Americans take more offense to a Black man not standing for the anthem than they do from their own President who basically shits on veterans on a regular basis, because deep seated bigotry. Seems like it to me that Americans are the problem here, not the NFL or Jerry Jones.

R I G H T? Actually, dumbfucks, he fits the profile of a mass shooter to a T, as they are almost exclusively white men.

Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.

People with disabilities, the elderly, people in labor, people who have pets, people who are first responders or in the medical profession, people who couldn’t get gas in time or whose car broke down, people whose jobs wouldn’t wait for them to come back, there’s a lot of reasons and ways you could end up staying when

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Honestly, they should have a Bill with deliberately ego-stroking titles for Trump and see what happens. It’d be funny to watch him shout at Reps in the House and Senate for removing a “Trump Appreciation Bill” that secretly demanded his tax returns or something.

If there is one immuteable truism that governs all of the knowable universe it is this: The person you randomly see naked will never be the person you wanted to see naked.

Trump gets owned harder and more often by Khans than the Starship Enterprise.

So they can’t call it The Great British Bake Off because apparently it could step on an entirely different thing called the Pillsbury Bake Off.

Why is it every time a woman gets something nice, someone has to question why they need it?