Brendan Slack

I can’t wait until this article gets posted again in 2 months so you can get another wave of notifications on a long dead comment.

Games as a service used to mean continued support and updates over the lifetime of the product, all for free. It was a development model pioneered by valve starting with Half-Life 1, continuing with HL2, counter-strike, TF2, L4D, and ultimately DOTA. It was the model that put them at the top of the PC gaming market,

That’s underselling it a bit. This scrubber has turned my cast iron pan into the easiest thing to clean in my kitchen. It’s also great for cleaning out my ceramic crock pot with no soaking required.

That’s underselling it a bit. This scrubber has turned my cast iron pan into the easiest thing to clean in my

You misunderstand the point of the bechdel test. The bechdel test makes no qualitative judgement about any individual movie, and a movie passing or failing has very little bearing on whether movie is good or not.

Rather, it is a very simplistic test with very easily measurable criteria that can be applied wholesale to

Yeah, you’re basically describing Divinity.

There’s also an offset increased sales driven by the word-of-mouth piracy provides by giving the product to people who normally wouldn’t or wouldn’t be able to have access to that product.

Additionally, there’s also a fairly famous case study of how piracy not only saved Game of Thrones from being canceled, but was a

If you’re skeptical, I have an anecdote to throw in for you.

My fiance and I have been eating keto for almost a year now, and I’ve lost over 100 lbs and I’m currently less than 10 lbs away from a normal BMI. She has had similar results and has lost around 80 lbs.

We started because she was diagnosed as diabetic, so she

That’s why he replaced the potatoes.

So you keep going downhill until you can’t go down any further.

You’ve restored a piddly amount of power. If you want to repeat this process until you have a usable amount of power, your only other option is push the car back up the hill.

You’re just using man power to provide electricity rather than a generator. And

Why do people watch football on ESPN? Why not just play football?

How about instead of dictating how other people use language, you could instead try learning about context clues.

You’re not watching someone play a game.

I’ve been on a greater than 65% fat diet for the past 10 months, and my health has been better than it has ever been.

That’s not a secret boss, that’s just the boss.

You do eventually unlock a standalone mean bean machine mode in the extra’s menu, though I’m not sure what the trigger is. I saw it unlock after I’ve completed getting all of the silver medals from the blue sphere stages, and I’m 75% of the way toward completing all of

You’re in luck. There’s a mode you can unlock called “& knuckles,” where not only can you play as Sonic & knuckles and tails & knuckles, but you can play as knuckles & knuckles.

A good game made in the 90s is still a good game.

Listed as currently unavailable for me.

Listed as currently unavailable for me.

Is there a customer service line of some sort where I can attempt to petition for a copy of the switch version?

Yes, but those rules are valuing one player’s experience over another. The rules are basically saying that if you experience this glitch, the game becomes literally unplayable for you.

Now the rules are there for good reason, because it wouldn’t be fun for most people to have people running around the game exploiting

You could make the same argument for the ‘victims’ of this bug abuse. They knew they were buying a game that was potentially buggy, so they might find themselves in a situation where their opponent has an advantage over them due to a bug. They then document and report the bug.

It’s tough with a bug like this because no