Started as a Cleric and Ended up an Innkeeper

Spyro's finishing move: A single box set of Skylanders Giants falls from the sky and lands in the center of the stage, then all grounded enemies are immediately crushed by a flood of parents running for the game.

You say tomato, I say potato.

I reinstalled Home after a long hiatus and I could only tolerate it for less than an hour. aaaand it's gone.

Did I say I wouldn't let her? Go white knight somewhere else.

Okay, if the PSP GO supported UMD's it would easily be the greatest model and one of my favorite handhelds. I managed to get a boxed PSPGO for around $100 pre-loaded with about a dozen games and I can say that I absolutely loved the lightness and button layout for the system. The PSP 1000 (I only have the release

Bombur (and possibly Fili and Kili) will probably be the comedic relief because Tolkien wasn't afraid to laugh at fat people. *possible spoiler for those who don't read +60 year old books* Regardless of the ending, Thorin (along with all the other dwarves) were really bad ass.

Mine is foreignasskikr because I simply had no idea how permanent this name was going to be when Xbox Live came out.

I do realize it. Thank you though.

Screw it, I'm naming my kids after famous figures in Roman history. Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Divi Filius Augustus anyone?

Since I have Irish and English lineage, I would love to name my first daughter "Boudicca" and have her beat up all the Italian kids in school. I would also love the name "Augustus Caesar" (pronounced "kai-ser") for my first son's first and middle name. Sadly, my girlfriend is massive party pooper and I think my son's

Yes, you are right in that point that the name "Hope" has been around for decades, but also remember that the Puritans were...eccentric. haha. Then again, the name Arthur comes from the Gaelic word for rock, or "strong as bear" in Celtic usage.

Holy hell, I think if I played Pendulum during the last hours of a homework assignment or some other major project I would start involuntarily slapping people from the nerve wracking jitters that I would eventually get.

Times like these make me so happy to be a diehard Dragon Quest/Warrior fan. I am yet to be seriously disappointed in a Dragon Quest/Warrior title. Granted, I live in the United States so our selection is not as wide as Japan, so I am not completely sure if there are any terrible releases overseas.

So blasting Pendulum through a large set of speakers while working is inadvisable?

Which is seldom a good thing; at least with practically every post involving sci-fi and fantasy lore and world history.

Things are almost as bad in the U.S.. I can not understand why so many parents are giving their children incredibly unorthodox names like "Hope,""Destiny," and "Justice." Maybe it's just me, but I think some parents are confusing children with Disney movies.

You sir get a gold star.

I think I would feel just a liiittle uncomfortable if my girlfriend dressed in an outfit like this and posted the pictures on a site as popular as Kotaku.

You forgot to add the small part when Galileo dedicated his book to the pope. That certainly did not go in Galileo's favor either.