Honestly? This is how the apes overthrow us? Never mind that their are less gorillas left in the world then their are in a medium sized city, if that. I expect to walk out of the theater laughing.
Honestly? This is how the apes overthrow us? Never mind that their are less gorillas left in the world then their are in a medium sized city, if that. I expect to walk out of the theater laughing.
Liked it better then the book.
Forgive me if I don't feel bad for a man who gave $200,000 to a "girlfriend" he's never met.
Could of used a better punchline.
No, Pluto is still a planet!
I hate this new format. Blach, to bad they will insist its working out.
I love to act like I'm teaching myself. It makes rereading notes much more beneficial.
Gawker-dA-Facebook for me
6,000 isn't a lot. Hell, I can look out my window in spring to see 6,000 of the buggers.
@Software_Goddess: Lost the tv show.
@Denver is too damn high: That performance doesn't seem to fantastic. My rig boots 2-3 shorter then that would 5 times the available space.
Even the Animal Kingdom hates Creed.
@Horusz: Because war changes fast and the military can't spend months spending valuable resources sieging one village. A siege that could be extended even longer by one goat path or tunnel that gets overlooked. Would you rather it have been your brother or father that got killed in a third attempt to take the village?
I think you qouted the wrong book or linked to the wrong book.
@Byers: I enjoyed the hell out of Dead Space, beat it four times. I thought the controls were spot on and its art direction was fantastic.
@bowen13: I love that trailer. It gives me the shivers every time.
@phoghat: Tons of people, me included.
@Joyride: I've been meaning to watch this. Being a lover of long space operas, huge space battles, political intrigue, and tragedy, this sounds like my dream series. I recently finished the original Macross and count it among my favourites.
After the vampire war is over, Priest discovers another growing vamp threat. The Church tries to keep this information quite.When Priest refuses to cooperate and goes after the vamps himself, they send other priests after him. Priest then has to stop the vamp threat, save the girl, and kill or convert the priests that…
@fraying: Legion looked the same, unfortunately, it was just bad.