
@Nivenus: No, Robin Hood was supposed by about the Sheriff of Nottingham investigating an outlaw named Robin Hood, a new take on Robin Hood. Thats what the entire cast and crew signed up for. Then Fox came in right before filming started and said, "No, we want you to do it this way, it will make more money."

Has GIMP seen any significant progress in the last year? I checked a few months ago and nothing has been updated in some time.

I would stumble and break that thing first thing in the morning.

Color me unsurprised. 3D was nothing but a forced fad to begin with to raise ticket prices.

@TheFirstBardo: My thoughts exactly. I don't know how Hollywood is going to sell

Does anyone have any tips for our flat footed fellows? No matter how hard I push myself, I can never run more then five minutes without my shins and feet killing me. Yet, I can go for an hour on the bike, no-problem.

Google gave up to fast. They kind of just released it into the wild with no explanation on how to use it or what it does, waited around for a few months, and canceled it. They should have pushed it more, releasing video tutorials and examples of what it could do.

That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Honer Harrington representing!

@Groucho Marxism: Thank god the space shuttle program has ended. It looked cool on posters in the 90's, but it was a disaster for NASA.

Great list. Damn, Mockingjay comes out tomorrow? Thats a pleasant surprise!

@LiC: Sandersons take on WoT is a great one. I was more into The Gathering Storm then I was in any of the last half dozen!

Generation Hope looks interesting.

I love that commercial. I laugh out loud every time that guys gets jumped by the piranha.