
I'll advise against digital text books. You want something that's big and readable, where you can quickly flip back and forth between pages. Sure, you can quick book mark with most eReaders, buts its nowhere as fast as a real textbook. If you rent your books instead of buying, the money you save off buying an eReader

@Anonymoose: They will if they want the job bad enough.

God, the universe is so fucking weird.

@Decaf: Well, it IS a hologram. So, technically, he is grabbing air. He's just simulating the motions of grabbing, as I imagine someone using a hologram really would.

I'm glad the internet can give writers opportunites like this.

@GitEmSteveDaveSpoils: I can drink a pot of coffee at 12 and go to bed at 12:30. Its all I drink.

Geez, thanks for the fucking spoiler warning. Now I know how half the predators die before I could stop myself from reading the sentence.

My little sister has had two of these machined aluminum Macbook Pros break within a year of getting them, from no more then basic facebooking and listening to music. One with a fried hard drive, the other catastrophically, half the parts gone bad in a single swoop.

@Andy Neil: Kevlar doesn't do much better against a knife then a thick sweater.

Please just kill the Airbender films in the crib, there's no reason is give it a life of suffering.

What happened to pulling out of China because of limited free speech?

@baneyu: This is what I thought when I saw this too. What if it was just one supervisor with a stick up his ass and this whole thing is getting blown way out of perportion?

@Snow leopard: Its gotten 9 positive reviews and 0 negative reviews on RottenTomatoes.

@01SNKOWNR: Same here. I just shrug it off and tend to forget the relationship ever happened by the next day.

It because you can read whatever manga you want just by checking the google result below wikipedia.

Damn right is just going to be as expensive. Root canals are a cash cow. $1200+ for a 45-60 minute procedure.

Few normal people have perfect complection's like they do, let alone refugees.

The original creeped me out like I haven't been in a long time. Hoping that this can do the same.