
I find myself drawn to purchase games for the Switch. I think it’s the excuse of “well now it’s a portable version” is a strong one with me.

I’ve had a juicer for years. Just a good, old-fashioned juicer that I got on discount when one of my favorite restaurants closed up shop after their owner had a pretty bad heart attack (it was a family-owned business).

If you own one of these machines, or invested money in it, your right to vote should be taken away because you are fucking idiot.

If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

“Impressive” is not exactly the word I would use. This takes zero actual skill. You just have to be willing to waste an incredible amount of time.

Horizon Revolutionary, maybe not. Nearing or even reaching the pinnacle of evolution of the open world genre as we currently know it? Highly possibly. Aside from the rather unique take on combat it doesn’t do much new, but it does everything it does do, all so damn well.

This is some Buzzfeed-level tactics.

Wow. Link throws like a toddler.

Now I have to wonder what the fuck he did to manage to be the lone white guy (I assume) at Nintendo of Japan.

I noticed a huge difference early on in the game of how much easier it became to work in stealth mode and focus on vulnerable parts on the machines with my arrows, then use the spear when they finally found me and closed the gap

Not one thing has killed me in Horizon! I am the master of video games!

Uh, these two, please...

I get excited now when I see there’s a new Developer Update, not because there’s new Overwatch news, but because I can’t wait to see what Dinoflask comes up with next. Absolutely amazing videos.

This news makes me feel ebullient, a word which here means, “Filled with overwhelming energetic joy, as when one accepts a free and unprompted hard-boiled egg from a stranger only to find it improbably filled with money and psychedelic drugs”.

If I were Nintendo I’d be pulling all the stops to get Capcom to make a Switch-exclusive Monster Hunter, built from the ground up for the hardware. That would really get the system to take off in Japan, assuring support from Japanese devs and publishers. I’ve said this many times already, but I truly believe that and

I really like all the LITTLE little details. Like the fact that Aloy’s teeth are crooked, that you can hear the light metal clinking when people in armor move their arms during dialogue. One quest wanted me to talk to a military captain at a checkpoint, and when I talked to Random Guard #753, Aloy actually asked

Horizon gets way more of this stuff right than any other huge open world game I’ve played.

EA also teased the new “Paths of Glory” game mode, where one player gets to play the aristocrat class and has to shoot three of his own teammates for cowardice.