
I have loved the Lorax (book) since birth. But I have also loved Zac Efron since 2006 and I am so sad about this movie being awful.

Was trying to make a joke about the "I rebel" line from the trailers.

Chopper is in it for a second.

He also seemed so much more confident/sassy around Galen than the Empire, as if he at least subconsciously was more confident around others.

Sensitive-24-year-old here, I was not 100% sure of the master switch either.

I mean you're not wrong.

Not in the actual movie though

But see, it makes more sense that they've bought off health inspectors, dcfs, staff, and local police than it does that they didn't actually run a sex ring.

I think it makes sense. He's on his (literal) home turf, he doesn't have to worry about a lot of empire employees who need to fear/respect him, and at this point they don't know how fucked Galen has made them.

…..i keep hearing "they've confirmed it's Mustafar"

Personally I think it was more shiny this time.

This movie made me want Rey's parents to be Cassian and Jyn, despite the negative probability of that happening.

Was it her daughter?

…."help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope"?

…this would have been way more helpful if it was about Diego Luna because goddamn.

…this is it. This is the post that broke me. I have lost the ability to tell reality from Trump jokes.

They would still release that review.

Holy shit you guys. I was a ROTJ girl- I had the movie memorized and would act it out at age four. I've been Leia like…. Four times for halloween. I broke someone's finger with a lightsaber once. This….
…this is the best star wars.

There was blue milk in this!!!!!!

ehh.. I think a wedding is different than a vacay. There are some I wouldn't necessarily mind not having to go to with my boyfriend because I don't know them very well, or he doesn't know them very well so it would kind of suck for one of us. HOWEVER, if it's important to them that you include them, then you better