Cooking with Cranston

Maybe, I dunno. I was too wrapped up in anticipation for TFA as more info leaked out. After ten or twelve years since RotS, I was ready for a new Star Wars film, especially when there was a lot of talent involved in the production of the movie. People said since J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot that he’d be better suited

No, I actually liked Rey’s introduction in TFA. I also liked the idea that her parents were nobody. She had no great lineage like Luke being the son of Anakin but that shit got rewritten between TLJ and TRoS.

I agree with assholes being ignorant of the world being reason for their “idiotic freakouts”

The problems with Rey and female Ghostbusters has nothing to do with systemic white male point of view. They were just poorly written.

“Spectre of the Gun” was actually kind of cryptic and chilling, partly due to the minimalist sets and ominous score that gave an otherworldly vibe. It’s not a great episode by any means but it does invoke a real sense of dread building up to the climax.

Now playing

I wonder if that inspired the rhythm for DK’s ‘Pull My Strings’, even the solo at 3:35.

Also great pick

Talk about a streak of bad luck.

That and “Bumby’s mom is dea.......aaaAHHHHH, HUHHHH, HUHHHH *sniffle*”

At 2:27, it lands on [$5,000] but at around 2:29, it shows the arrow on [TRIP TO TAHITI] and [$5,000] isn’t even on the wheel.

I live in Georgia but I make a trip once or twice a year to see some old friends and go on a week-long food tour.

Still has some of the best beaches/water, pizza, sausage grinders and cheeseteaks.

I dunno, he has his moments. Ross’s roast of Flava Flav was pretty hilarious.

It’s only awful in 49 states.

So basically he’s saying,

I don’t know who decided “loud and fast” should be the primary vibe of this show

Imagine what the writers of Futurama could’ve done with this.

It was a throwaway line with no real significance, detail or any real context and was never mentioned again until AotC. The template in which TCW was crafted is directly based on the events of AotC, ending with the opening of RotS, so yes, the prequels ARE responsible for TCW.

While I have nothing against Disney+, I’m a subscriber myself, I kind of hope sales of Mulan do poorly, even for streaming rental as I just want Disney to step back and reconsider cranking out more inferior live-action/CGI remakes of their animated classics, like when Solo: A Star Wars Story tanked and led to Disney