The Fifth Wall

Thanks for the thoughtful response. Lots to chew on and I really appreciate it. (Also, your avatar reminds me of the week I only turned on HBO when it was airing Zod saying "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!", which made me happy then and also now as I remember it. So thanks again.)

Can I poke this bubble around the word "bubble"? I'm honestly not sure what the hell it means or is supposed to mean. I grew up in Midwestern suburb, went to college in a very small town, lived abroad in an even SMALLER town, then America's biggest city on the East Coast and now a mid-sized city on the West Coast.

I don't really disagree with you in the big picture sense. I would disagree that her gamble was (if I'm reading you right) disregarding the white working class. Her gamble was that the white working class would respond to the Democrat's very progressive platform, her appeals for unity across race/gender/class lines,

"Broadly disliked" is bullshit. "Out-of-touch" is bullshit. "Uninspiring" is bullshit.

Hillary pulled off a stunning and historic popular vote (gathering more votes than any white male candidate in American history), but she did so without pandering to the bruised ego of certain white Americans. Therefore it was a failure.

It's obvious that the Democrats are going to have to process what happened and learn what they can from the results. No one story will be sufficient. To suggest, for example, that Hillary and her campaign are "to blame" is to suggest that she should have bucked all conventional wisdom by putting time and resources

Oh for sure. The Republicans definitely wouldn't spend the whole campaign calling her Pocahontas, and I'm sure the media would be fair and nuanced about that issue. Done!

New Yorker?

I expect people who care about this to work hard to educate, motivate and get people to vote. I expect to do my part.

Okay, you want the candidate that Republicans won't tar and feather somehow. Won't claim wasn't born in America. Won't claim is a secret Muslim or terrorist or something. Won't tie baseless scandals too. Won't appeal to the base, lizard brain of the worst instincts of American society.

2018 begins now.

Why don't we see what Chelsea's political positions, skills and appeal are before we decide that she's doomed by her birth?

Hard work. We got two years to make it happen.

Not luck, hard work.

How to channel your post-election rage?

Question: How much corgi is in it, and does s/he appear in more than one episode?

Do you really like the book that much?


Garrison has an inkling of self-awareness and has shown occasional signs of idealism and empathy.

Trump seems so clearly to me as a living embodiment of Cartman (not this season so much, insofar as I'm not sure yet what he's up to, but "Classic Cartman"). It makes me wonder if the writers got tired of "overweight blowhard makes up his own reality and tries to spark race war for self-aggrandizement" as a storyline,