Yeah, WTF? Parasite was a phenomenal film!
Yeah, WTF? Parasite was a phenomenal film!
“It marked a fitting end to the unlikely awards run the Academy Awards has gifted us, especially after the whiplash years of Green Book, Parasite, Nomadland, and CODA.”
It’s because it’s Will Smith. When you strain out all the noise, that’s what it really boils down to. Absolutely no one in the Gawker network or Twitter or wherever would be bending over backwards the way they are to act like it was totally justified for a larger man to smack a smaller man in front of an audience of…
Twitter is of course furious that anyone beat Angela Bassett because social media needs a villain and most of them have only seen MCU movies, but I thought this was the best Oscars ceremony in years. Just a wonderful, positive night throughout, and the first time I can remember that my favorite movie of the year won…
I think that, traditionally, usually a long-time actor who is well regarded in the Hollywood community will always win the Best Supporting Role Oscar if they have never won before. It’s very often a lifetime achievement award.
“I have been a professional actress since I was 19 years old so that makes me an OG Nepo Baby. I’ve never understood, nor will I, what qualities got me hired that day, but since my first two lines on Quincy as a contract player at Universal Studios to this last spectacular creative year some 44 years later, there’s…
I know the “nepo-baby” thing feels all new, hip, and oh-so snarky, but FFS, to call Jamie Lee Curtis a nepo-baby - even jokingly/ironically - is just stupid. She’s been working as an actress for fucking decades.
The AV Club is just one tantrum after another these days. The absolutely dreadful writers they employ are just here to peddle their ideologies at this point. If something has actually happened to connect it to, then great, if not, they'll make shit up.
Sounds like a good show. I will make sure to watch it. Just to watch the twitter mob lose it’s collective Orwellian mind.
The AV Club’s treatment of JK Rowling qualifies as a witch hunt by any standard. We’ve gone on and on about how much we hate her and how evil she is, but I don’t recall anyone telling what she actually did. I don’t think it matters. The idea that the target doesn’t deserve a defense **because** they’re so evil is…
Kind of comically ironic that the people that use those words to describe anyone who disagrees with them is acting more like what they think they are not.
I never liked JK Rowling or Harry Potter, but you overreacters are making it REALLY easy to root for her.
nor should they.
Oh the mean woman wasn’t cancelled again. Show us on the doll where she hurt you.
I just came back from Universal and Harry Potter World was packed with people spending every last cent they had on wands and butter beer. Hogwarts Legacy is a massively popular game. The average person doesn’t care what J.K. Rowling’s view on gender is.
I seriously can’t believe that all these articles are serious. This has to be some kind of coordinated publicity campaign. All these lukewarm takes have the same talking points and tone. There are many great artists who aren’t even recognized, yet articles like these are written about someone who has dozens of awards.…
AV Club just likes to complain and snark these days. This article is like something a petty high schooler would write.
These “articles” are so pathetic. (Unless this is supposed to be satire?) Beyonce is not owed every award that she is nominated for. How dare anyone else win an award when Beyonce exists.
Oh fuck off.
Poor Beyonce. Guess she’ll have to go back to cashing fat checks for performing in gay-friendly Dubai.