Ever play the original? Dont hope too hard
Ever play the original? Dont hope too hard
You dont play RotT for headshots. You play to gib the shit out of people.
"Personally, I must have spent five or ten minutes trying to figure out how to get out of the baptism: it wasn't something I wanted to do precisely because I'm not religious. Eventually, of course, I had to go on with it."
No, she is pretty. Stop being a vag.
Is that CD broken, or covered in white goo? Either way, Im sure a good time was had in getting to that point...
I feel this picture represents my feelings accurately.
That scalping one was too funny. He just sits there smiling at you.
Did those images include bukkake cocks white-washing a face?
After looking at the pics, I dont see why those cant be censored, or changed. Forgetting the "but, its ARTTTTT!!!!" argument, the images shown on that TV face guy really dont need to be there based off the rest of the story currently happening from the preview I read.
The videos remind me nothing of Megaman, besides being blue. Unlike Metroid Prime, where you felt it was indeed a Metroid game through your eyes.
Replies were pretty close in time. One guy may be a slow typer. Seriously good sir, dont be a fuckwad.
Red Orchestra 2 was updated to "Game of the Year"
Keep the selection of deals coming. Personally I also like to wear clothes and eat.
You are an idiot.
I live in a smaller Wisconsin town than Janesville, and I got pretty decent internet, or so I think.
Well, we could play THAT run-around game all day. It should be always-on internet. No device should be, unless it was a dedicated internet provider device, like a modem... then yeah, a-okay boss.
If their net goes down, they shouldnt have to find something else to do to use the device they paid for.
Its proprietary only in the fact it was modified over the years by IW and Treyarch from id's Quake 3 engine. Also known as id tech 3.
I would say Disney knows what its doing, but thats probably not accurate if you look at their latest games offered.