
The reason why we don’t see women coaching boys is because most boys prefer to be coached by someone who is male.  

Do Hispanics and Asians use different bathrooms and changing rooms where you live?

If we are going to talk about teenagers, then yes, physical differences are of incredible importance, especially when it comes to sports. Teenage girls undergo physical changes about which they are generally more comfortable talking to other females, for example problems related to periods.

It’s incredible how much you care about children’s safety.

You want to ignore the rampant abuse of children and teenagers by adults in the world and I’m the one with the problem?

I believe that adults should not make friends with kids.

And what are those reasons?

Boys are not girls (and vice versa).

Adults should in no way “connect” with children (except for family members obviously).

Why do you think it is much more rare to see a woman coach boys (in any sport)?

Why would a (straight) man want to coach young girls instead of young boys in your opinion?

The reek of simple trolling to me.

They have the support of all other men though.

This is post-modernism in action.


Misogyny and white supremacy are not related. Men of color in Texas who reject white supremacy hate women just as much as white men do.

I’m saying that you’re doing a disservice to women by claiming that an issue that affects women is somehow related to something else.

I’m saying that even if you remove white supremacy and fascism from Texas, anti-abortion fanaticism and misogyny will still persist.

But anti-choice bills and laws don’t exist only in Texas. The ideology behind them is universal, but it is not exclusive to old white men.
