A lot of women in Russia don’t get married. Hence why the Russian government is so obsessed with pushing “family values” down people’s throats and yelling about the low birth rate almost everyday.
A lot of women in Russia don’t get married. Hence why the Russian government is so obsessed with pushing “family values” down people’s throats and yelling about the low birth rate almost everyday.
I think you mean evolutionary psychology, which is a pseudoscience?
Except that now pedos don’t even have to bother socializing with people in real life and can just creep on the Internet.
*teenage girl.
What do orgies have to do with this?
Why are you so offended by women who inspire other women to be leaders?
Nazis flock to the UKIP now. They used to support the BNP, but it self-liquidated.
Probably. I suspect that the men who proposed that bill are abusers themselves.
Please don’t let the administration frighten you into staying with someone you don’t want to. You’re going to be fine.
as long as everyone’s chill and not secretly a cleric or something, basically anything goes.
Please tell me how his companies benefit the planet and people.
Don’t forget that after the French Revolution, Frenchmen told women to “go home” and went back to treating them as second class citizens.
Hillary doesn’t owe America shit anymore.
Someone already posted an article on this thread about how populists tend to self-neutralize.
1/3 of the total EU. Population wise, Western and Southern Europe make up the majority of the EU.
The fact that people who want to force women to resort to back alley abortions call themselves feminists shows that it’s pretty watered down and there is nothing good about that.
I blame this on feminism becoming an identity rather than a movement and the American culture of individualism tbh.
Are you trying to communicate?
“Feminism is about standing up for those who are marginalized in society,” she said.
To what?