What’s your opinion on school boys creating a nation wide porn ring of their female classmates?
What’s your opinion on school boys creating a nation wide porn ring of their female classmates?
I already posted an article that Telegraph wrote on the subject. Girls aren’t aware of it. They aren’t even really aware that it’s wrong. The only thing that revealed that widespread abuse was an official inquiry by the UK government.
You use the expression “emotional abuse” but I don’t think it means what you think it means.
A peer-reviewed study on the effects that porn has on current middle/high schoolers would be hard to conduct since it it illegal to expose minors to porn.
Probably plenty. I wonder what happened to that story of some big Hollywood actor being involved in a pedophile sex ring?
I do wonder why Jezebel never wrote an article about the huge scandal in Australia that happened earlier this year. School boys from all over the country created a porn ring posting private pictures and videos of their female classmates online (pretty sure that counts as child porn). It was a big deal and I’ve read…
What do you think about the increase in middle/high school girls being sexually harassed and abused by their male classmates?
What do you think about the increase in middle/high school girls being sexually harassed and abused by their male classmates?
They are also the only “mainstream” feminist site that calls out men and man-pandering feminists on their bullshit.
You mean the same “current system” that results in widespread child abuse? No I don’t. And since it’s going to happen anyway, it doesn’t really matter.
Nothing. There is no reason for marriage to exist at all. I don’t need to “replace” anything because marriage is already dying out by itself without any effort on my part. In a world of technology and endless entertainment people just have better shit to do.
You completely ignore the point I made that gays and lesbians do not have the same relationships to each other than people of the opposite sex. Can a gay man exploit another gay man for his reproductive ability? Can a gay woman exploit another woman for her reproductive ability? The answer to those questions is no,…
Honestly, the fact that you believe that following in the footsteps of Scandinavian countries is a good things tell me more about your vested interest than anything else. You do you, but I hope that you do not complain about things like domestic violence and rape culture in the process.
Do you believe that gay men and lesbians live in a parallel society and that they do not get the same message from society as straight people do? Do you realize that two men and two women see each other differently from the way a man and woman would see each other? Gay and lesbians couples do not have a gendered…
Maybe you should actually look into the media targeted at girls and women? Are you aware of the fact that almost all women grew up with Disney movies and fairy tales that present getting married as the best thing that happens to the “princess”? Then there are the teen movies and “chick flicks” that all revolve around…
Since I speak French, I did some research on the situation of parental leave in Quebec and stumbled on an article pointing out that the vast majority of men take parental leave at the same as the mothers do. Do you have any proof that while men “stay at home” at the same time as their wives they do not simply relegate…