You are old my friend. Cheers to that!
You are old my friend. Cheers to that!
I suspect he’s going into deep cover to distract us from his real next role: portraying Morrissey in a Smiths reunion tour (for which the band surely would receive well over $100 million), so that Morrissey doesn’t actually have to go on tour and Johnny Marr and Andy Rourke don’t have to be in the same room as…
I love assembling IKEA furniture! It’s like carpentry where all the hard parts are done for you. Hammer some shit, screw some shit in, and bam! You have made furniture.
Saw your postsploshion on the grams. Sure looks like you....
George Foreman wouldn’t have had a problem.
My 928, love to drive it, love to look at it, hate to own it, keeps trying to kill us...
Real vim users alias it to another key not so far out of reach.
A few more.
Okay... more than just one, but the first 4 that popped to mind...
let me help you with that
My beautiful daughter that happened to do a sugar skull for school one day candid shot in my 62 Lincoln Continental.
This kinda feels like this crossing the line. What the woman did was wrong, ironic, kinda funny, but she didn’t harm anyone, and I thought her getting fired in the first place was too much.
this car is so pretty it’s actually made me angry
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
Neat! I met these guys while I was gassing up my 70 911 in Avon CO. I was in the middle of driving from CA to NC in it... 3471 (mainly) back road miles.
Porsche fan here. I was ready to congratulate Toyota and was feeling very happy for them. I was even talking with someone about getting a Le Mans decal for my Camry. Then, I heard Nakajima say, “I have no power,” and my heart sank. I’m happy as a huge Porsche fan, but I feel terrible for Toyota.
Budweiser is pretty bad, yes.
I loved this. The sound, especially. But, I found it a bit similar to the Shell Gasoline/Ferrari “Circuit” advert from a few years ago. And, that’s not a bad thing. (Note: If you have not watched this Shell ad, listen to it AS LOUD AS YOU CAN).