
These ads are probably the most annoying thing about Netflix.

Why would we wake up a crotchety whiner?

My city (population approx. 150k) still has a super active PoGo community. I saw over 100 people playing in a local park during the last community day and we regularly have to split up raids because there are more than 20 people there. The game lost its fad status a long time ago, but still has a very active user base

...And it only took multiple years! Seriously though, kudos to Niantic for staying loyal to the minority of fans that committed themselves long-term. Far too many studios ditch their veteran fans the minute the next big project rolls out.

roshi was stronger than yamcha in this series. like WAY stronger. yamchas hasnt gotten any stronger since he was booted from the main cast. roshi is at least strong enough, he could have beaten freeza back on namek. he would have to be to survive a minute of that tournament. the only thing yamcha would have

Haters gonna hate I guess.

Yeah that was a really nice touch. I mean we all knew what the wish was going to be but no way that it would be from 17. That said 18's reaction threw me really off. You’re really all concern about him blowing off a world round trip with his family for instead SAVING SEVEN COMPLETE UNIVERSES?! Priorities, check

What were you watching?

I will say that Chinese companies seem less concerned about their exploding products injuring Chinese customers than customers in export markets. You are in an export marker, right?

What in the Seven Hells has happened to the animation of Pokemon? Jesus, he’s never looked more bootleg then this, including actual bootlegs.

I love how he’s like “Going this way, going this way, go-KABLAM! goingthatwaygoingthatwaygoingthatway!”

The company was his horcrux.

...the ease of a rubbery analog stick from decades later is a big advantage

idk dude, i’d like to be able to coordinate things with my teams without being called a faggot

I’ve been gaming since, what, 1986 or so? It’s true that trash talk has been part of competition (of any kind) likely since its inception—but in the arcades, we had to be ready for physical consequences for our verbal bullshit.

Online trolls don’t have the fear of catching a fist with their face, and so they escalate

Talk about a first time experience with this game: I got into the game and joined a multiplayer game with some friendly dude. No tutorial, no explanation, no guidance whatsoever. I mean... I’m not a fan of tutorials, but really, here, you wake up in a tavern, and good luck, dude, figure it all out.

> Banner Saga 3, the finale of the acclaimed RPG series.

Yes, but...if you hold B will they let you run?