
The art I understand.... nothing else made sense, they changed the orientation of their strip every week and the jokes were so niche that you’d have to go to the comments to figure it out. I’d rather play red dea... I’d rather do some chores. 

Well Japan is officially no longer perfect. Womp womp. 

The fact that this new chapter was completed in less than an hour makes me feel good about deleting dragalia. Thank you, the game was fun while it lasted but I have smash bros to Lee me occupied without draining my wallet every three weeks for “new units”

This. Dragalia Lost shit on me harder than fire emblem heroes ever did times 10. My worst banner was when Celica was first introduced. I got her and spent a quarter of what I spent on the last fire banner in dragalia only to get wrymprints 9 times and a duplicate dragon. Honestly. Fuck this game. Those guarantee 5

Plenty of good music out there to listen to, don’t need to pay a game to listen to music, I mean “play” a game... or did I...

The game is not worth it. It’s fun for two months and then becomes awful very fast unless you’re filthy rich and have no qualms with spending $3,000 a month on new characters. 

Still got it, I’m oersonally hacking my ps classic but cuz of all the shit going on won’t release it. There is a public hack out that anyone can grab but probably won’t be as good as mine lol

Thanks, I did a lot of initial work, Alex did all the upkeep though and maintaining the online updates through cfw. 

When the memory stick duo adapters came through it was a god send though, proprietary memory cards were the death of Sony handhelds. I could fit and game I wanted on my 2000, never liked the 3000 that much. 

Because two day shipping is synonymous with prime shipping. They consider prime shipping 3 and 5 day shipping now as well as two day, one day and same day delivery. I would think that because you’re not the brightest and can’t even get the context of prime “delivery day.” When you sort for prime shipping it is no

And the hate train continues for Zelda... when a chore of a game like red dead makes your top for 2018 it makes me wonder... no gripes with the rest of your list, as this is “your” list but for the love of God. People went through a phase talking about what’s wrong with Zelda and the lack of truth on what they did

Just so you’re aware, you’re going to have significantly more lag input using the wavebird. The adapter is meant for wired configurations to be processed one time to the switch. With the wavebird you’re passing hands twice now. From the wavebird to the adapter, from the adapter to the switch. The power A controller is

Ha! You think the post office is better? What a joke. Companies don’t use the post office because they’re worse than UPS and Fedex. I leave treats out for delivery drivers and here you are acting like a child. Walk a day in their shoes and then talk shit. 

It’s laughable that you haven’t noticed that not every item is guaranteed two day shipping and they’re trying to push a prime “delivery day” to get people off of two day shipping. Most items are 2 day shipping but when amazon sells the specific item and only offers 3 or 5 day prime shipping it begets the question as

I’ve never seen anyone do the Carlton dance in any way shape or form during any period of time. What drugs do you take? Curious how you became this dumb. 

I have both the nes30 and snes30 and they don’t work too well for the classic games. Amazing for emulators but I wouldn’t recommend it for the switch unless they make an update. Also you’re stuck using two controllers with 8bitdo you can’t exit a current game. 

And his mistake was that people buy the switch for AAA games LOL

I’m sorry but saying AAA developers is where you lost credibility. How many versions of recycled Cod or A. C. are there at this point? Fallout, Uncharted, etc. they’re all the same thing and while you can say the same thing about Nintendo, you really can’t hold much of an argument because they at least change the

Pictures. My authentic Polo shirt from Switzerland with infrequent use is starting to fade a bit after five years. Finding it hard to believe considering the quality of clothing from the worlds wealthiest country is the best if not one of the. 

Why are you linking an article from 2013? Also retailers are mostly to blame for delays in shipping in 2018. The handling part in shipping and handling means the time the store takes to package the product so UPS can pick your package up. Fedex and the post office for that matter as well. Then when it’s picked up, it’s

Why are you linking an article from 2013? Also retailers are mostly to blame for delays in shipping in 2018. The