He strikes me as a person with poor impulse control. I wonder if there are any other personal charges on his campaign or congressional cards.
Speaking of the Xcom soundtrack. I got excited when I saw mention of a digital copy of the Xcom 1 soundtrack until I saw that it was only available with the vinyl release. I wonder if it will ever be possible to buy the Xcom 1 soundtrack with all of the tracks that where included in the special edition? Some of the…
With all that fur, you would think he would have lots of accidental self inflicted burn marks by the end of a fight. I can’t imagine the smell of burnt wookie fur is all that pleasant.
A few years back, I had a can of soda with my name written on the side go missing from the community fridge (I was trying to get it cool). I was bummed that it went missing but didn’t make a big deal about it. It was just a can of soda after all. A few days later the empty can appeared on my desk with a note sticking…
Hello Alsandair. I may have been mistaken about the commission part, it was around 10-15 years ago and I may have confused commission for some other incentive like what you mentioned. Back then they didn’t seem to have to require a separate entry for magazines from what I remember. It looks like a few cashier’s tried…
One time when I was at check out at Best Buy, the cashier had me swipe twice. When I asked why I had to swipe twice, he passed it off as a computer error “You know, these machines.” Turns out he signed me up for a magazine subscription for Entertainment Weekly without my permission or knowledge and slipped the receipt…
You are correct Generation Y and Millennials are the same thing. I wonder if they meant to say Generation X and Millennials. Or perhaps they meant Gen Y (Millennials) and the yet unnamed generation that follows (Gen Z).
This is an awesome start to a potential SimCopter clone. I wonder if they will add an Apache for some city destroying fun >:)
Haha, I remember this happening when I played the game as a child. All of these people running around in speedos making that loud kissing sound. It was odd but considering all of the other goofy Easter eggs, I didn't think too much of it. I remember the fast move cheat that turned you into a dog and played this…
Gone Home is also a good one if the person grew up in the 90s.
That sounds awesome. I wasn't able to get together enough matches with that mod to start developing tactics like that.
I had so much fun with that redeemer, great for messing with snipers on the roof. I would drive it up the front of the tower and hook it into the sniper nest at the last minute. Very little chance of seeing it until it's too close to do anything about it.
Cannot forget about the end credits to the Last Express:
*Massive Spoiler*
Some modders used the FSOpen project to re-cut that intro with in-game models and an extra battle.
Sadly, what Gekas has now is hardly badass, and it makes it seem like Gekas is murdering winter weather. Maybe he is! You know, causing global warming, screwing up the climate. If so, then, he is truly to be feared.
Cannot unsee.