State Border? Trump said he’s building a wall in Colorado to keep Mexicans out
“We agree that if a person is intent on harming an officer they could do it without an app” —- but this tool makes it easier to do so, so lets ban it.
Hilarious, This is basically the same argument against assault weapons.
As if his first marriage being to his cousin wasn’t enough to qualify him?
As soon as he perceives a lack of income, he will snap to attention accordingly.
“numbness in his hand, anxiety, and an untreated hernia.” Well, he has demonstrated a proclivity to self-satisfy himself to excess....
Maybe they have a kink for group midget sex? They’re all adults. Dont judge ;)
God won’t “forgive you” because he doesn’t exist. We hate you every day, too! Now fuck off and serve your sentence and quit your whining you murderer!
Good thing nobody asked your opinion on what you believe, or how you “interpret” something that sounds like exactly what you want, and is not supported in the text at all.
check your friend, Harley rider, he’s a “fine vanilla southern gentlemen” who refers to the demographics in his area as being “surrounded by them”.
Go ahead and tell me that isn’t common. You’re mad that I made an accurate generalization that you can’t refute. It’s NOT progressive to make an accurate assessment of an…
May want to check your assertions. The Supreme court has stated that assault weapons are NOT protected under the 2nd amendment. There’s also that pesky mention of the first words in the amendment... “well-regulated militia” that gun nuts ignore. Unless you’re in a “well-regulated militia” , then the 2nd amendment…
The “entire race” isn’t southern. Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.
I went to a high school that was less than 50% white. My city is 55% white. No, I don’t worry about being robbed or shot everyday. Never worried about it once.
If I lived in an impoverished area, I might worry more. Because statistically speaking, THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD , where there is more poverty, there is more…
Great point. Because we know exactly how white southerners think and act when they are outnumbered by dark people.
Yes, the south is well known for its acceptance of dark people, and never has had any issues with prejudice, profiling, or racism.
Thanks for saving the day with that enlightening demographic data.
“Sept. 14 flight which departed from Birmingham, Ala” was all the information needed. You know dem southerners were just itchin’ to nail some terries around 9/11
Had to look up “Disney bounding”. An article explains it as basically cosplayers still dressing up, just not in a full costume. An avid “bounder” describes it.. “For me, it was definitely just a way to express myself,” Leslie told HuffPost.
Simple question: How is it expressing one’s “self”, by serially pretending to…
The cops who get in trouble on regular duty get taken off and reassigned to traffic control or school security. Either that or its the fat old guys close to retirement.
I think she’s the liberal version of Roseanne Barr