Erick Brassfield

This is what the “Loudness” button on all stereo receivers would do. Boost or cut bass and treble frequencies. You’d think after all these years they could design a better EQ curve. But here we are in 2018 and a major audio streaming company thinks you don’t need certain frequencies at all .

All the people that have the most inspirational quotes tend to be the most uninspirational people devoid of any of the actual substance of the mantras they spew.

This is like Cartman in South park claiming various debilitating conditions so that he can get special treatment.. , he claims mental illness (yea, obvious), but does nothing to better himself, he only holds onto it as a crutch so he can lash out at others “bullying him”. Just like many people are “disabled” and

“There are plenty of online aids to tell you how many words can be made from the letters you have, so if you’re playing someone and you suspect that they’re using online aids, then you have to be extremely defensive” - Yeah , its clearly obvious because the average IQ person doesn’t have anywhere near the vocabulary

Maybe it was a spool with cable on it and the cable got unspooled by rolling.

A stronger contention should be - why should anyone that believes in imaginary supernatural beings have control or power over any other humans? If you think there’s an imaginary sky daddy , then your basic reasoning skills are severely impaired.

That’s not a figurine of DJT. Trump is a fat blob. That just looks like an almost skinny GI Joe with a fat head. Put him in a santa suit and its more convincing

Quick google searches about Northern California cities generally reveal a lot: Fremont’s population is 56% asian and 26% white. The closest major city is Oakland which is 35% white, 28% black , 25% hispanic. Being a white person working in the east bay area means you have to be around non-white people, and arent a

Um to prevent people from dying. Fall off a mountain road, you die. Crash into a guard rail on a flat road , your car got a boo-boo.

As an Erick with half of my family being Erickson’s, and working at a company called Ericsson, I officially want to disown this prick

If he only picked up a microphone and started singing “I believe the children are our future...”

I was going to give them half benefit of the doubt for trying a bad blues impersonation, using the name Muddy because they were playing a Muddy Waters song “Mannish Boy” (makes sense in a drag show, ok...)

It’s their new Hillary. No democrats have spoken about Hillary for 2 years but Republicans are so obsessed they can’t stop talking about her. Now it doesn’t matter what she does, this is all they will focus on now is their obsession with her and how many times they can put the term “socialist” in their articles to

Dudes with no basketball skills owning dozens of basketball shoes makes as much sense as dudes that can’t shoot owning dozens of assault weapons or people that can’t drive owning a bunch of cars. I never understand the poser mentality, quit spending money to create an image of something that you’re not.

I’ve been ruminating on this very topic myself. The realization hits that if someone believes in an imaginary being, then they are not objectively skilled enough to be able to separate fact from fiction. There are millions of people like this that we all know and love, and can be wonderful people.

Sunglasses hanging from the unbuttoned shirt? This kid is 20, why is he emulating douche bags from the 80's ?

For fucks sake he really said “I’m pretty good at estimating crowd size” ?? I can’t even laugh at this shit anymore, and my neck is tired from shaking my head. 

Chip and Crew? WTF? Who still names kids these names besides Sarah Palin?

Yeah I’ve had just SIX girlfriends as well, but I won’t count the 70 or so “unmentionables”. I play blues guitar as well. If John is famous and can’t get that much pussy then he’s either truly got no game, or is just lying so he doesn’t look like a slut, thinking that  wholesome girl would want him. I’ve said “six”

I work in IT, after many years and fixing many thousands of peoples computers, I can definitively say the drunkest and most technologically incapable people are old white republicans.