Erick Brassfield

So “round boy” is now the male equivalent epithet of “bbw” ?

Pardon my ignorance about it, but this looks like more like a TV episode or a movie that you watch, and hit X to go to the next scene. What about this makes it a “game”? 

You brought it up as a counter argument explaining your doubt in Mark Judge’s story. I’m not yelling at you at all, I asked if you continued to go to parties and associated with the same group of people after you experienced the incident, because if you did, then you did the exact same thing. I’m sure you were aware

So after you were raped, you never went to another party again for the rest of your life and never hung out with anyone associated with the rapist ever again? Because, if you did, then by your own yardstick, your story isn’t credible. Think about that.

You have a person admitting to crimes that is corroborating evidence of the type of activities that took place within that group. You admit that this kind of stuff happens based on your own personal experience. This particular accuser doesn’t need to be “part of that whole scene”.

“He wasn’t doing it every weekend?” - How the fuck do you know that? Do you have the skills to accurately assess the difference between a serial rapist and a “one and done” rapist??? We have several people putting the same cast of characters into the same situation and Judge has admitted to them in many fashions.

Who poses with a picture of a half-pound fish? Only tiny dicked people do that kind of shit. Hi I’m a real man and here’s my huge fish to prove so. lol

Or as Richard Pryor said “I hope y’all get raped by black folks with clap”

This should be the default shortcut for all things iOS-related.

Don’t forget the tastiest rebuke of all: “Well, I never ....”

Millions of people in Brazil know that sign as “fuck you”, millions of people in America also know that is sign language for “asshole”. Millions of people also are aware of its white supremacy imagery connection. People aren’t “spun up”, they’re just not taking shit anymore and not buying weak cop-outs as excuses for

With these guys, that’s clearly what they need to do. Those faces are “made for radio” - That’s why they rock the sunglasses so much as well to try to cover that hideousness up.

That depends on what jurisdiction you’re speaking of. In California, all county sheriff deputies have to serve their first two years as jail officers.

Here’s the thing - Ness was negatively talking about Trump and racism, he wasn’t directing anything at the guy in the crowd. The guy in the crowd made it about Himself and directed the well-known “Fuck you” sign at him for a LONG period of time, not just a quick flip of the bird, so at that point , it was clearly

I have a hard time believing that full-grown adults that play dress-up for attention don’t have psychological fallbacks. If someone was comfortable with themself, they wouldn’t need attention from strangers to validate themselves. If they’re a full-grown adult and like to dress up like a character for “fun”, or an

If your self-esteem level is low enough that you have to pretend to be something you’re not and dress up to get attention, you can’t complain when you get the attention

She licked donuts. We all know that. Again, what does that have to do with CK ?

You shouldn’t believe that, because it was on CBS.

Creating unnecessarily excessive bloated spending to create a program that NONE of the military has any real wants, needs or desire for, is wasteful government spending... Not sure why this doesn’t alarm conservatives that are supposed to be against big government and spending, yet have no issues with military blowing

Lol, as with anything that requires technical knowledge, “This is...not really an iPhone kinda deal.”