People should learn how to use Google or search the internet on their own before using Siri, otherwise they are clueless how to properly create a succinct search phrase yielding the best results
People should learn how to use Google or search the internet on their own before using Siri, otherwise they are clueless how to properly create a succinct search phrase yielding the best results
Technically not a scam, he DID predict it, just with a VERY low success rate.
Have a backup plan. I just read recently about one of these internet connected automated pet feeders... Their network service was down for 4 hours and people were wondering if their pets would starve while they are on vacation
Have a backup plan. I just read recently about one of these internet connected automated pet feeders... Their…
Look up from your phone, people, there’s this new app called LIFE. How do you play it? Put your phone down and stop looking at it... If you can’t do it... you fail at life.
Subwoofers don’t have a directional frequencies, however the best location is the rear center of the room opposite the TV. Front is ok for a 2.1, but with rear speakers, its best to have the subwoofer in back,
Subwoofers don’t have a directional frequencies, however the best location is the rear center of the room opposite…
Maybe this kid will get a life and go to a park without a phone and grow up like everybody else did =)
Blah! This is hogwash! First off, you can’t get INSIDE area 51. It’s a huge geographic area and is obviously fenced off. Secondly, this proves you can “find a pokemon” anywhere. The characters just show up.. The game wasn’t “programmed” with “Area 51" gyms, it just creates faux locations based on simple google…
There’s hypochondria, there’s paranoia, then there’s this guy !
Greatest Shoe Salesman of All Kind - ask him now, thats all he cares about is making money off of shoes. If kids weren’t wearing his shoes, he wouldn’t be considered as great.
Tedeschi Trucks band is awesome. I’ve already seen them before, will gladly see them again, for once, thank you, Ticketmaster!
At least he sets up in a studio or in his house... Whenever I see some fat guy with glasses face-first into his laptop webcam, or some random person sitting in their car - I immediately tune out. I can’t respect anyone who thinks people will listen to someone who decides their automobile in traffic is the best place…
Hate to be a buzz-kill, but a half filled water bottle will flip upright after 1 flip, that couldn’t be replicated with a full bottle. Not hard to do actually, physics helps you out more than talent there =)
I think most bikers are more susceptible to crashes because they are constantly trying to go faster than everyone. You never see anyone on a bike going with the flow of traffic... Always splitting lanes, always walking their bike up to the front of the line at the light, then gunning it to get ahead of everyone,…
Someone should write an article about how Being Yourself gave you confidence. If you need to pretend to be something you’re not , that is false confidence... If you were confident in yourself, you wouldn’t have to dress up in costumes to win strangers approval that know nothing about you except what costume you have…
When someone says “I do have a niche area of porn, I have never actually watched traditional porn in my life” - that explains why it takes 150 minutes to jack off — If you need crazier and crazier stuff to get you off — then you have some psychological issues driving you to watch something deviant ... jacking off more…
It’s not his job... nobody hired him - its simply something someone does on their own — has he provided any helpful data driving around videotaping tornadoes in 3D ?? Supposedly storm chasers aren’t paid ...
It takes two hours for someone to learn how to identify a tornado, and they get a sticker and are suggested to drive into danger when it comes..?... wow... has any “sky warn spotters” ever done the job that a local meteorologist couldnt do? If it’s windy and LOOKs like a tornado.. Dont go outside... I can’t see how…
Of all the “storm chasers” — there really hasn’t been ANY decent data EVER collected from buffoons driving around following tornados. Just rednecks without real jobs.. Nobody has ever successfully deployed any data recorders IN a tornado.. All we’ve gotten its decades of morons driving up and going LOOK ITS A TORNADO?…
If you constantly need Uber or Lyft, youre either A) an alcoholic that cant be trusted to drive back from a bar B) you’re a broke mofo with no job and no car, but still want to go out and spend money.. or C) youre an adult and have no car and rely on random strangers to get you around ... either way you have an…