The first time I saw a Super Mutant and Mutant Dog I shit a fusion-powered brick.
The first time I saw a Super Mutant and Mutant Dog I shit a fusion-powered brick.
Yeah someone said that. Must have looked at my dog or something when that happened.
I did however see it as a loading screen tip a few hours later.
Damn. I must have been looking for an Oreos or something.
It's proportionate to weight/build I think.
Me! But it does affect the kid I guess. I don't know. The kid was only like 3 months old so I'm not that attached yet. I think I'll go join a militia and elect myself mayor of a bunch of shanty towns. He will be fine until the next election.
Jesus Abides
The weird thing is, that's default face #10.
At least it shows up on the map. And fast travel is easy enough.
Yep. It must have biometrical encoding.
I wish it told you you wouldn't take fall damage in power armor. Would have saved me a few load screens. ;)
Same here. It killed me right off the bat because I didn’t realize it was the objective. I just worried about sniping raiders from the roof and then realized I had to get down and kill the death claw. At which point I was out of chain gun ammo. Then I found a low roof and sniped it in the head with a rifle for 30 min.
I want to see some Star Trek captains and crew. Make it so, Kotakoids.
Totally! I love how they basically give you the frame and little else. Mine got beat down fighting that death claw but I did like you and hung it up only to take it out on special occasions. Still tweaking the design. It’s scary thinking you’ll run out of fusion cores at any moment and just leave it out in the wastes…
Your character was a decorated combat veteran so it makes sense.
Surely not PC! Gasp!!!
Are you trolling? There's no way that's true.
I found one too. Wish I knew how to craft Nukes. It had no ammo.
At least they're working to ensure it doesn't happen again. Like the next time people pre-order the Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition it should be fine.