
Someone on this site once blasted me for suggesting that GPU drivers could be a pain in the ass and leave people wanting console play even though they “download themselves” or something he said. But clearly it’s a thing that happens. Why isn’t everyone as black and white as that dude?

He could team up with Curt Shilling’s company...

Give him a reason for more than “2 drinks a day.”

Maybe we will get lucky and they will kill Laurel to even the karma.

And then they introduce zombies. €£¥₽

That's an excellent investment.

If I can Halo jump like a jerk in Siege then count. Me. In. *teabag

Vegas co-op so good.... Mmmm... Tango down.

I forget what it's called but there is a fundraising site that offers a small amount of ownership and financial dividends. That is an investment.

I think all pre-orders should work like Kickstarter then. Oops we didn’t finish your game. So long and thanks for all the fish!

Let’s hope they do another crowd sourcing campaign now that they are famous. They can add a Jonathan NPC that you get to shoot in the nuts.

I'm gonna invest in a six pack during my golf league tonight. It's going to pay off in a hangover tomorrow. Yes!!

And perhaps not panhandle for video game development money? Not to be too harsh but I’m tired of everyone trying to crowd source their success. Especially after reading about Vynl the “Netflix of vinyl” whose plan was to rent vinyl records via mail. Which of course is illegal. So they now just send people used records

I did! Season 2 I believe.

The Internet is full of sarcasm - Kinja more than most. So it’s nice to pause and take a second before flying off on a rather concerning tangent like AverageDrafter did 7 hours ago and has since stopped replying to my inquiries into just what the hell he is talking about? Something about fax machine pornography and

You’re the second person to read this and not detect the sarcasm. But the first to not totally fucking freak out on me, so thanks.

You realize my initial post about this being akin to child pornography was sarcasm? As were all following posts. Except the one I just wrote to you claiming ignorance of me accusing anyone of raping a fax machine. That shit was real confusing.

What, sir or ma’am, are you talking about? I think your wires are crossed somewhere in that real brain of yours. Who accused who of what? I'm so far in confused land that I need to apply for citizenship.

How fucking zen. Kinja is alive today with the sound of musical prose. ;)

Doesn’t it perpetuate the treatment of inanimate objects as real women?