Bob Loblaw

Thanks for the link. How did the reporter not see that after doing just a cursory search?

The breach happened in March and they say they didn’t even realize it until July 17th (which I’d be willing to bet they knew sooner unless their cyber security team is inept, incompetent, or both), then it took two days to verify, then another TEN days to notify. .

Was there anything false in that article?

The entire heart of “Dark Horse” is the exact rhythm and notes of the other song. Sure it’s basic, but no one else has done it to much success before Flame, so at the very least it was original.

His momma named him Aubrey, Imma call him Aubrey!

I bought the Witcher 3 nearly two years ago and have been making my way through it s-l-o-w-l-y. Last weekend I beat the Funeral Pyres mission, so I’ll try and beat another one this weekend.

A week ago I would have said roaches because I never had to deal with unwanted rodents, but on Tuesday I got my first taste.

Will that lady selling $100 head scarves be in attendance?

“I suffer from extreme anxiety” - someone who created and placed herself in the middle of a stressful situation.

Hands down the best Arthur episode.

Should have ended the Hawkins’s kids’ story with season one, then picked up in a neighboring town. I guess similar to how AHS does their seasons.

Sweet Christmas, yes, it’s that time of the year again!

Those Sandys are hot.

I thoroughly enjoy that place.

Global Entry hands down.

Now playing

The guy who made these is named David Adickes. There used to be a huge lot adjacent to a Target in Houston with dozens of these heads and other giant sculptures.

I am here for this.

Your mom is a hero.

The X-Men Legends series...or at least make the well-deserved third iteration.