wouldn’t it be cool if an example image were included in this story? yeah.
wouldn’t it be cool if an example image were included in this story? yeah.
I wonder if Jason (or someone else) knows of anyone who’s modified an existing car to match a design that never made it off the drawing board? Some designs would be a huge effort, but this one looks maybe doable?
This him?
Why is it so hard for white people (and Republicans in general) to address people as they’d like to be addressed?
This hurts my brain. They’re all like that!
Agree all around. The optional bigger engine tows more than enough for most ppl and the bed could be useful. I mean not for ppl who populate this forum and seem to move plywood and build homes from scratch every weekend but for normal ppl itll be handy to dump some shit into and drive off.
Cool. I assumed there were some artifacts of the process and materials, but figured a lot had to do with the harder living back then.
Holy shit, that’s both amazing (for me) and awful (for everyone else).
Here’s my somewhat logical guess. Rudd’s character has been stated in interviews/writer ups to be something of a Ghostbusters fanboy. He said the character grew up watching the news and reading stories about this giant marshmallow man attack that happened in NYC in the 80s. The ghost (or whatever the supernatural…
I was with you until you said the new RAV4 is ugly. Polarizing? yes. Ugly like the CR-V. NOPE! The CR-V is and has been a limp fish design for a while.
It has front inpact protection. There’s no engine there so it’s all crumple zone. It’s also not cab over, the driver sits further back than you think hence it having the two obnoxious a pillars. Look at how far back the driver is:
It’s his math, not mine! I’m a reporter, not an accountant, and I do not trust myself to know his finances better than he does. That said, I do intend to interview him after this is all over, and I will absolutely press him on the real total, because I have a feeling that no matter what, it will differ pretty…
I’ll take a little bit of solace in knowing she passed at home, instead of in some bar-less hospital…
I don’t understand this post and won’t respond to it.
“seriously terrifying", “bursts of traffic” , “dicey” , “it just goes”.......I’m so scared of the Robot Overlords
I heartily agree with this take. Brakes are a necessity, something that needs to be reliable, seeing as they are the only thing keeping you and a car from becoming a physics lesson.
The most neutral term would probably be “ad-subsidized.”
My first thought was modern-day Ford Aerostar... but I’m biased as my family had one :P
I am all for permanent DST but I don’t even care anymore, just end this stupidity one way or the other.