Brand Silven

At this point calling it Overwatch 2 just feels stupidly confusing and they might as well call it Overwatch Nova or some other revamp type name.

Holy FOV, Batman!

Hobo Ken has relocated to New Jersey, poor guy.

For at least the 3 hours i’ve played this feels a lot more like a Basebuilder with an ARPG interface than it does a real survival game.

I’m currently playing it with some friends on a self hosted server. Some things really speak for it:


EA promises nothing else will change

Similar to...

WoW writing has been a shitshow since Legion ended. We had the mad Titan Sargeras stabbing a planet with a bigass sword as the climax of an epic story campaign (try THAT for size, Thanos!), and in response...the Alliance and Horde started beating the shit out of one another.

I think if more Americans realized how busy the Persian Gulf is getting the hell out of the oil business, they’d realize that all of the pro-oil propaganda stuff they’re hearing is just meant to keep prices up as the last oil drains away.

The folks who actually know how much oil is left are behaving like it’s almost gon

Where’s Pete Best?

Fuck him and fuck his explanation. Just another shitty person trying to disguise their enjoyment of fucking up people’s day behind something altruistic.

“You’re the villain because you let me do this.  I’m doing this because I need to be stopped,” is some straight up super-villain shit.  Fuck this guy.

That’s a good point, and definitely the sense I get reading a lot of the reviews - people who played the hell out of previous From games (and therefore presumably enjoyed them). If I want to beat my head against a brick wall until it collapses, I have real life for that, I don’t need it in a game.

I personally feel like all game reviews should A) start with a breakdown of the author’s preferred genres and favorite games and B) should have two authors, reviewed by both someone who loves the genre and someone who is indifferent to it.

This. I’m very much against the idea that no one should trust reviewers but when it comes to Souls games specifically, people should absolutely take scores with a grain of salt. Almost every outlet is going to put their Souls fan on the review, and most of us are pretty easy to please.

Poorly paraphrasing something that was already poorly paraphrased:

“Never let someone with a franchise tattoo review the franchise.”

Yeah I know, I was just trying to be verbose about it :P

Now playing

Meh, who cares? This is the REAL cool announcement:

Now playing

I kinda assumed somebody would’ve posted the Randy Newman song by now.