Brand Silven

Readying up is oddly unresponsive, so I wonder if people press their buttons thinking it worked and then wait, not knowing that their game didn’t recognize their inputs. I can just imagine someone sitting there thinking “Who are we waiting for??” and then get dumped to the main screen because it was them all along.

Time for a crappy meme:

I want a Levar Burton & Ken Jennings co-host setup. At the start of each show, one of them will start the show via random selection. Then, halfway through the show, the other one will come out and they’ll both host at the same time for Double Jeopardy!

If you don’t know who this guy is, you’re not a Fire Emblem fan. #GatekeeperGatekeeping

Oh, yeah, definitely. It’s like with games: gameplay over graphics (though good graphics are always nice). Since all we have are photos, that’s all we can go by, but hopefully they’ll blow us away with presentation. The characters looking different can be overlooked and eventually even forgotten about if the

Hah, you got me there! I hope the dog playing Ein can capture that animated corgi essence though. ;)

I don’t think any of the actors look very much like the characters they’re cast as, but they could easily nail the feel of them anyhow. As always when it comes to an anime to live action conversion, I’m cautious. But I’m also interested to see how well they’ve done. It’s not like all live action anime takes will

Ooh, I get to use this again:

The free Zeraora unite license has been a Switch launch thing from the beginning and doesn’t really have anything to do with the mobile launch itself, as far as I can tell.

Yeah, the fashion in SoR4 is kinda out there. Axel has his strange mishmash of style, Adam looks like a waiter, and everyone else has this kinda retro-Euro look about them (obvious influence from the French developer, in my opinion). I guess it does make them look unique, though.

That really is it, though, isn’t it? It’s the difference between Fortnite crossovers and Smash Bros crossovers. In Smash, it’s the character. In Fortnite, it’s just a costume.

I would love a RDR1 remake within the RDR2 engine. Sure, a full original remake would be fine, too. But being able to just continue from RDR2's epilogue into RDR1 would be kinda cool.

I, personally, just call him “rodent”.

Pokémon manholes? I believe you mean Pokémanholes!

That’s the problem: Asmongold has acted like an reprehensible jerk for years, and his followers follow in kind. He’s well known in the WoW community for fostering a very large asshole brigade around himself. But when confronted, it’s all “Oh, it’s just an act! He’s really just a nice guy!” If you constantly act like a

I’m glad you’re doing well enough to play and win some Fortnite, Mr. Fahey! Hope things continue to go well for you.

My hope is that some day Konami sheds it’s own excess weight (the leadership that keeps it in it’s current situation) and becomes like the Konami of old.

If anyone is looking to replicate that and can’t find a DS strap, apparently if you buy a thumb pick meant for guitar playing, it can work well in the same manner.

Ouch, shots fired at Kotaku!

I’ve always found names of countries that foreign nations use for them to be interestling. Like Japan. Why the J sound? Well, apparently that’s because of Portuguese traders and their early attempts to translate writing into the Latin alphabet. For 日 they had translated it into a “ji” sound. So, combining it with the