Brand Silven

Pfft, everyone already knows the Ghost Rider origin story.

It’s about Big Boss building up his forces and creating Outer Heaven!

I’m doing my part on PC by not making any nuclear weapons!!1!

Ah, thanks. Guess that idea is out the window.

It should be fixed. But can you edit tweets? I don’t really tweet much, so I don’t know. Just curious if you can post the picture and then manually add the hashtags in?

I do enjoy those precise hitboxes, like in that World of Warships clip. In a game like Overwatch, those would have been headshots, lol.

I watched that PS5 reveal thingy, and let me just say that you did not want to read the chat. At least if you want to keep yourself in a bubble that Sony fanboys are any different than other fanboys, and in smaller numbers.

This is almost as groundbreaking as the PS5 logo reveal!!

I really enjoyed the mechanics of the game, I just felt that the whole Kojima vs Konami drama really hurt the overall game in the end. Oh to have an alternate universe MGS5 where Konami was actually operated by human beings...

MGS5 is one of those games that I wish could have been actually finished before it was released. As it is, you can tell that the story was only like 40% done and then rushed out the door.

Yeah, I’ve liked his other movies. He should probably stick with new IPs and not try to re-create currently existing ones to “subvert our expectations” though.

/downloads mod. “Okay, time to use my gun! Wait, where is my gun? Do I have to find it or equip it somehow?”

I’m guessing the TLoU2 jankiness isn’t very common, but man when it breaks it breaks.

They should have reversed it. Had the same people, but the woman sitting on the couch playing and the guy hovering over, in the exact same position that she’s in. Would be hilarious.

It’s right here in this dogwhistley bullshit. Oh no! Softness! Acceptance! PC gone mad! Not in my game I tell you what! When I am clearly wrong, I make a joke to imply that the thing I am scared of is probably wimpy!

Most notably, Wizards teased a new product that will provide “a way for a player to customize their character’s origin, including the option to change the ability score increases that come from being an elf, a dwarf, or one of D&D’s many other playable folk.”

You know, nevermind. It’s rather silly for me to argue about this, simply because they want to make D&D a more peaceful, harmonious space.

No. You’re right. You can continue to do your min-maxing, getting your stats maxed out by level 18, using your elf sleep immunity to show you’re completely different than everyone else.

“If you can’t come up with an RP method by which to delineate the thing you are playing from a human without a 10% variance in ranged weapon to hit values, the thing that sucks might be your imagination, I dunno.”

Oh, don’t worry. That small Elf +2 Dex bonus is also being addressed, so your pointy eared Human can be even more Human:
“Later this year, we will release a product (not yet announced) that offers a way for a player to customize their character’s origin, including the option to change the ability score increases that