
If I had a dollar for every time some casual car person mentions the Bronco looking great and possibly “waiting until it comes out to buy my next car”and then I have to explain to them that no one actually knows what it’s going to look like and the images they’ve seen are not from Ford... I’d be able to pay cash for a


Please can we stop using that fan-made bronco render without disclaimers? It’s just going to end in disappointment when people actually see the new bronco and it looks more like a jeep than an F-150.

Seriously.  It’s insane the amount of man-children that can’t understand that you can totally like something while also remaining critical of it.

Nobody cares.

Projection is a hell of a drug.

The thing that gets me is these are the same people who call US too easily offended and triggered.

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

You don’t even have to wait for next year... just take a look what somebody posted in the comments at Eurogamer.  😂

Jesus. The Cyberpunk 2077 reddit is gonna be awash with morons next year, isn’t it.

Yep. For all the people saying “I don’t know how to feel about this” and “it’s just a PR move” you don’t see the NRA donating to victims. 

We can campaign to fix healthcare and reform gun laws at the same time

All the gun manufacturers would be out of business by the end of the year.

Shame on you for hijacking a story about victims of a shooting to post a lengthy pro-gun screed.

I’d be the first person to call EA out on their bullshit, but not here. I don’t care what their thoughts are behind the scenes in this particular case. Even if it’s just a PR move, a little bit of good is being done.

Oh, fuck off. This has absolutely nothing to do with the lootbox shit, one can shit on them for doing bad things and give them props when they do good things.

Health care in this country is fucked up, as are our gun laws. We can focus on both these issues without compromising the other.

One with a sunroof.

Lol 7500rpm is pretty screamy for 5.2 especially with a blower attached

First thing I noticed too.. How can something relatively small be so weighty?