
If you listen to it pulling out of the corner I think that mid-range “hrrrrm” is a supercharger.

I’m pretty sure I heard a blower just not over that exhaust....

It should have this type of front-end styling:

Now playing

What? No link to the actual video of him recovering from being maced? There’s a sousaphone oomping & thwoomping a jaunty marching tune, while he’s howling on the ground..... It’s better than a laugh-track.

My Grandfather spent his youth in North Africa and Europe killing nazis. I’m glad he didn’t live to see us elect one as president.

“We must come together as a country and try to understand each other peacefully. We can’t continue to scream nazi or sjw back & forth.”

True, and I do appreciate the innovation, but a 20 - 30% increase in mpg still leaves it about 30% lower than current hybrids and 70% behind plug-in mpge. Just seems like a misstep to spend time and money pursuing modest gains in I.C.E. at this point.

Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck that. Fuck that. Fuck that.

No. Absolutely fucking not. He gets lumped in with the rest of the racist cunts that are marching and being racist cunts because that’s a crowd of people. It’s OBVIOUSLY a crowd of people and it’s OBVIOUSLY a protest and he fucking just kept going!

But “No,

The law will rightfully judge his (and it’s probably a he) actions as an individual, but we have no obligation to separate it from the hateful ideology that inspired it.

...unless they’re Muslim.

For views.

Don’t forget the PS4 has external hard drive support now so you can just plug it into the USB port, format the drive and you’re ready to go.

Us in the rest of the world would really like it if Trump could stop taking his dick out constantly and making us face the consequences if shit goes down. When Russia decides to take a chunk out of someone, the US won’t feel it, but we will. When China decides it’s had enough, it won’t be the US that feels it, it’ll

Honestly, I reread the Trump quote, and between basically repeating himself awkwardly and making little to no sense, North Korean propaganda dispathces are actually far more measured and composed, and at least read like someone, somewhere, gave half a fucking minute’s thought before releasing the words.

Swap “North Korea” with “United States” and you couldn’t tell the difference between this and one of the north’s statements.

Hammer down the throttle and you don’t need mirrors.

The only people that have seen a majority increase in anything are the wealthy seeing a rise in their balance sheets. The general population is making less, so they have less money and the only reason consumer goods have become “more affordable” is because most of them are made by what equates to slave labour. It’s

The top 25% do get a good deal; but it’s nowhere near the same. Between 2007-2015, the top 1% took in 44% of the income gains in this country. It’s worsening too, as wealth and power are being increasingly concentrated in fewer and fewer people. I for one don’t want my future decided as a pissing contest between the

That’s by far an oversimplification. So much that it’s basically false.