
not just a rally - an announcement of his 2020 campaign - considering we are now in an election cycle I dont think he should be able to appoint a SCOTUS judge to fill Garlands vacant seat...

Clicks on foxtrotalpha, can’t figure out why foxtrotalpha posts are on foxtrotalpha, shakes fist at foxtrotalpha...

He also took time out of his press conference to rattle on about how many electoral college votes he got. Again. Four weeks in to his Presidency.

Foxtrot Alpha has been a sub blog of said car site for a long time and it is about the military. Uranium supplies are related to nuclear weapons, which are......wait for it....maintained by the military!

Can’t tell if serious or mimicking the people that say this on FA articles.

That is such a naive statement.

Did the cold war end before or after we ended racism?

Sorry I should have been more specific. Not just that the firing order is different from a cross-plane crank, the firing order is different from other flat-plane cranks. The GT350 crank isn’t up-down-down-up like other flat-plane V8 cranks or straight 4s, it’s up-down-up-down on both banks.

“I’m not your buddy, friend.”

Now playing

No coincidence. There’s a lot more to him.

LOL no.

Why would politicians want to do something to harm their campaign contributors?

I went over to Breitbart to see the comment section on this. (Never go to the comment section on Breitbart.)

+1 for SSDs making the biggest difference. I built a Skylake PC at the end of last year with an M.2 nVME SSD (that was literally half the size I expected it to be, that made me feel old) and it takes 10 seconds from power on to login screen, then another 10-15 seconds from login to fully started. The time it takes me

That’s where I just stopped reading the article and skimmed it, along with the unlabled graph. The only computer I have ever seen which was affordable for home use and could support multiple processors was a Pentium 3 machine. Even then it wasn’t as much the machine supporting multiple processors but instead a

Yeah, I think “early days” means pre-2010 to most Kinja authors...

In the early days of personal computing, if you wanted to speed up your computer you’d add an additional CPU.

I think you mean, once JR Smith is healthy.