The fuck???
The fuck???
New York Post? Who gives a fuck about that trash rag?
I had no idea Lily Rabe was playing Doctor Strange. I'm in!
Can someone explain the Moffatt hate? Most people I know who love Doctor Who were exposed to it with its revival, and they're always complaining about him. But hasn't he been there since the beginning of the revival? Yet people seem to love the show.
Johnny is all about dem airholes.
A good portion of these movies I didn't bother to watch because The AV Club told me they weren't particularly good . So of course now they're on the Top 20 list.
And nobody likes to be de-feeted.
No Hannibal, no credibility.
"both excluded from the Best TV Drama category, along with the stellar second season of Fargo. "
Ain't nothing wrong with Gentlemen Broncos.
It's the name of my WiFi.
Well, there goes my interest.
Is it still Friday?
Great episode.
I don't. I even like Hannah on Girls.
She's great, I agree.
That's an interesting interpretation. I took it as being pretty explicit about the fact that she was merely doing these things to throw in his face and dispute his claims.
I'm not sure how me not liking her behavior means I don't understand her mental illness.
I agree she's not quirky, never claimed I thought she was. But disgusting, unhealthy behavior is being excused by her under such a banner, which to me makes an unenjoyable lead.
I'm shocked to read in this review that Rebecca is described as "a little awful" and that we''re supposed to love her.