Brandon Wade

I told him this would happen if he didn't start buttoning his jacket.

Will everyone speak English?

That wasn't Ellen Degeneres???

Well, she's not more attractive than Mindy so maybe she'll survive an entire season.

Cool! How old is he?

How do I see Cry Wolfe?

So when does season 3 start?

Didn't Amanda win for another ugly fringe dress a couple of weeks ago? I preferred her when she showed up with Courtney Love to awards shows in matching nightgowns and tiaras.

Sure. But honestly, I was less offended by you being wrong than than you were by me being right…

Nope. He doesn't work on the show at all. Not as a writer and not as a producer. He has zero power so not sure how he'd be able to lay down any laws.

Why are we pretending New Girl isn't a piece of shit?

All you need is her address and a sloth costume.

Gimme now!

Mmm. Look at that chili!

Every single moment of that is perfection.

That woman referring to her restaurant as the "neighborhood toilet" in its commercial is still the funniest moment of the series for me.

Be thankful I didn't ask if it was ironic.

She died on a Tuesday Morning. Coincidence?

He's had nothing to do with show since season 5.